Example sentences of "could not [vb infin] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Illusion could not fix a position from a sextant reading , nor fight two hundred square feet of heavy flogging wet canvas in a tumbling sea and a rough wind .
2 Rubberneck knew them all , pious lives ; he had been lectured them a hundred times , even if he still could not fix a face to a saint , or only ( he felt an affinity ) St Francis .
3 A southern Italian , he had taught up until now in a village near Naples and could not speak a word either of Slovene or of Triestino .
4 Held , allowing the appeal , that once an order was made under section 31 of the Children Act 1989 placing a child in the care of a local authority , responsibility for the care of the child was firmly with the local authority and the family proceedings court could not retain a power of review over the care order by including directions ; and that , accordingly , the direction relating to the continued involvement of the guardian ad litem would be deleted ( post , p. 812B , G ) .
5 She could not move a step .
6 A virtual mummy , a living corpse that could not twitch a fingertip — though did any fingers or even fingerbones remain within that mass of medical machinery ?
7 And it all began in 1890 when a successful businessman , who could not dance a step , presented four ordinary little girls from Manchester in a pantomime at the Prince of Wales Theatre , Liverpool .
8 They are the reason I could not contemplate a life lacking a daily sight of hills .
9 At times like that I could not care a toss for JTR and wondered why the hell I was in such a situation .
10 Geoffrey Chaucer could not hold a conversation with a modern Englishman , even though they are linked to each other by an unbroken chain of some twenty generations of Englishmen , each of whom could speak to his immediate neighbours in the chain as a son speaks to his father .
11 Unfortunately he could not offer a time for his visit .
12 Mr Emig said there were gaps in the evidence and that , in the commission 's view , the South African track and field federation could not conduct a doping control as their membership of the International Amateur Athletic Federation was still under suspension .
13 That , and the discovery that she could not bear a man near her in the early days after the rape ; so she had feigned an illness , explained as the consequence of her breaking her engagement with Havvie , which , of course , had caused an immense furore inside and outside of society , and Mama and Papa had put off their visit to England , and sent her loving letters , for she had written that she had discovered that she did not really love Havvie at all , had merely been beglamoured by his appearance , name and title .
14 They covered their complacent idleness and ignorance with theological catchphrases which could not excuse a lack of grasp .
15 In doing so it probably aroused some sympathy among the Party membership , though it could not prevent a movement which was receiving support from national figures .
16 During the first days of that Holy Week Mrs Abigail continued to believe that she could not endure a marriage that was a travesty , and that she could no longer endure life in Dynmouth .
17 If BR could not make a case for seven trains for one of its most profitable routes , it was clear that plans for a second tranche of HSTs for the Cross Country group of services would not satisfy the new criteria .
18 The Court acknowledged that the Registry could not make a decision binding upon it in its judicial capacity .
19 Even HARPY , which brought its full syntactic and semantic knowledge to bear immediately , could not make a decision on a word-by-word basis .
20 She thought it dry , and it was , but she could not make a dent in the downpour itself .
21 Eventually she found them but could n't get near — the crowds were as dense further up and , push as she might , she could not make a parting for herself .
22 The Powderhall stadium in Edinburgh was the top venue for professional athletics , though competitors could not make a living by running alone .
23 A CHIMPANZEE financial whizzkid that has beaten stock market experts could not make a monkey of British share analysts yesterday .
24 Does Article 37 mean that they could not make a claim to terminate the right on this ground ?
25 Taplow 's lips continued to move though his throat was so scorched he could not make a sound .
26 I once left a message on a colleague 's answering machine saying that someone else could not make a meeting because she had resigned .
27 There were so many people in the room that you could not pass a needle between them , so how it was that the Gypsy Kings , carrying large musical instruments and followed by a television crew , came to arrive at the dinner table unmaimed , must remain a mystery for ever .
28 Rain could not cite a case where Ruby Dobby had brought a speedy conclusion to a murder case .
29 Zambia could not eat a thing .
30 You bet him sixpence he could not eat a maggot and he promptly swallowed a live one and grabbed your tanner .
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