Example sentences of "could see a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 WP Do you think we could see a reversion to the kind of right-wing authoritarianism which characterised Hungary between the wars ?
2 The bed beside her was empty , but there were men in the yard : she could see a glimmer of light between the shutters and hear a flotsam of voices now and then , when the wind died .
3 They could see a man with a ladder up against the cinema putting up the new poster , and the small round figure of Peggy Pine coming out of her dress shop to stand and look admiringly at her window display .
4 Felix could see a man in the shining armour and plumed helmet of a Reiksguard knight .
5 He could see a bundle of checked cloth , an old blanket perhaps , an oil drum and , a little apart from the rest , a floating shoe .
6 She could see a sliver of white shirt , the braided collar of his black jacket , a star on his epaulette , the hand that rested along his crossed knee .
7 He had a good view of the main road and the side track that climbed to the row , and he could see a part of the buildings themselves , small and neat and quiet .
8 As the pod slowed and the atmosphere-burn began to fade , I could see a sprawl of hazy lights coming up fast .
9 From under the valance , Jess could see a pair of patched green shoes lapped by grimy skirt edges .
10 He looked in the mirror and could see a gout of her smoker 's phlegm on his cheek .
11 Sarah 's house was at the other end of it and I could see a couple of cars parked outside what I was sure was their home .
12 In the deck well I could see a couple of girls and two men in bathing suits .
13 She could see a couple of the other models standing near the buffet table , laughing as they accepted glasses of champagne from attentive gentlemen .
14 However there are concerns that the market is rather high at present , which could see a fall in prices generally in the new year .
15 All the time Lucille was talking , my mind was covering the side roads , and I could see a glimmering in the distance that might be the approach of daylight .
16 From his office window , the Bursar could see a quarter of an acre of dense undergrowth lying behind the School Pavilion ; it was once the site of the Convent greenhouses and allotments , but now unused and neglected .
17 I could see a bit of the drive through the rhododendron bushes and the trees .
18 He was still reading , and writing , and soon I could see a change in him .
19 Mary could see a row of white stones marking the pathway across the marsh .
20 She could see a row of tiny faces gaping from the balcony before being engulfed by a huge sheet of flame .
21 trickled down , Jack could see a boy with oriental features and what seemed to be a rain-soaked face .
22 ‘ But , if this situation can be addressed , there is a big possibility we could see a cessation of the violence , ’ added the source .
23 ‘ But , if this situation can be addressed , there is a big possibility we could see a cessation of the violence , ’ added the source .
24 She could see a flicker of fire , Wynne-Jones 's fire .
25 Walking along the riverbank or lakeside , I could see a variety of waterfowl , such as moorhens , seagulls and ducks ; up in the trees were virtually the entire crow family — jays , rooks and jackdaws — as well as blackbirds , thrushes , finches , all the everyday birds .
26 Overall , Nasa suggest that this spring could see a reduction of between 30-40 per cent in the ozone layer over the northern hemisphere .
27 There should also be more investment in counselling for unwillingly pregnant women , more support for the lone mother who would keep her pregnancy if she could see a way of coping , and fewer politicians using our bodies as debating points to be scored over opponents .
28 In her limited understanding , she could see a way to the upper strata of Arcady society and beyond it to the stars .
29 Director Alvin Rakoff had problems with Crawford when it came to a crucial , very dramatic scene that he shared with Donald Pleasence , who was playing the police officer who could see a way to nailing the crook whom he had been trying to get for twenty years through his son .
30 On the work surface she could see a bowl of salad , the wine bottle and a row of cutlery .
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