Example sentences of "could be see from the " in BNC.

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1 Easky 's spire could be seen from the back window from many miles away .
2 Natural high points were emphasized by mounds , often slightly off the hilltop , so that they could be seen from the valley bottom .
3 Moreover , mothers may have encouraged children to play on the road surface where they could be seen from the kitchen window instead of on the grass at the front where they could not .
4 The Firth home , The Towers , could be seen from the village .
5 His curtain could be seen from the square and it was something worth looking at .
6 The court took the view that the case raised issues that were sufficiently difficult , as could be seen from the fact that the parties were represented at the hearing by counsel , to justify the decision that the procedure had been an arbitration .
7 An indication of the strength of the tournament could be seen from the presence of Fiji ( albeit not a first string seven ) and New Zealand provincial champions Canterbury , who defeated Australia in their pool , in the plate competition .
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