Example sentences of "could not [be] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Even as this work was being carried out , freight traffic was in decline and BR soon made clear its intention to close the line as it could not be converted to 25 Kv AC .
2 The policy regarding transfusion of red cells was as previously described ; staff present at delivery could not be blinded to the treatment group but were seldom responsible for ordering transfusion .
3 Infants dying of sudden infant death syndrome included 229 Maoris , 240 non-Maoris , and 16 children who could not be assigned to an ethnic group .
4 Where frequent comments could not be assigned to a pre-existing category a new category was created .
5 President Kaunda told delegates that Zambia 's experience could not be compared to that of the Soviet Union or of East European countries which had recently opted for political pluralism .
6 Some Tory loyalist backbenchers said last night that this episode could not be compared to the attack on Mrs Thatcher by the then Sir Geoffrey Howe , which is acknowledged to have cost her the keys to No. 10 .
7 The British in India had from the beginning of the nineteenth century seen clearly that so unnatural a phenomenon as the government of that teeming subcontinent by the parliamentary electorate of the British Isles could not be destined to be permanent .
8 The other issue upon which the Minister was at his disingenuous worst was about why individual sale proceeds could not be revealed to us .
9 What are the implications for the CAPM if the market could not be assumed to be perfect ?
10 Comparison of quantitative data between the tw groups was performed by Student 's t test when normal distribution of the data could be assumed , and by Mann-Whitney U test when distrubiton could not be assumed to be normal ( serum and amylase values ) .
11 Lord Keith held that the distinction between evidence and discovery was recognised both in the Act and in Article 23 of the Convention ; it was not disputed by counsel that effect could not be given to a request merely seeking discovery .
12 It was held that the agreement was void and that effect could not be given to it by rejecting the general restraint which appeared in it and limiting the agreement for the purposes of the action to carrying on the business of a tailor .
13 The daughter of Samuel Roberts , quite simply , could not be seen to be involved .
14 It was immediately much regretted that the death penalty could not be applied to burglars and footpads , and the prison system was the object of particularly fierce criticism .
15 A single regional band could not be applied to Yorkshire , with council tax prices set against a regional band for , say , London and the south-east .
16 In a meeting with Baker on Nov. 14 , however , Roh said that a " two-plus-four " solution could not be applied to Korea .
17 She leaned closer to Alice , so that Alice could smell a warm perfume , reminiscent of a flower , the name of which could not be called to mind .
18 He and Jonathon Alleyne were close friends — some said business associates , though technically Alleyne could not be tied to any commercial ventures .
19 These meetings could not be said to be unimportant because world Christianity ought to be seen to meet .
20 The students could not be said to be responsible for their own actions and thoughts .
21 Nevertheless it was held that any false indication given by the retailer could not be said to be due to the act or default of Cadbury since the retailer could quite easily have compared the weights and prices of his existing stock and the new bars to see if the label ‘ Extra value ’ was justified .
22 English has no dental or labiodental plosive phonemes , so in these cases , although there is clearly assimilation , there could not be said to be a substitution of one phoneme for another .
23 However , the sluggish and top-heavy bureaucratic apparatus of the City Council could not be moved to action .
24 I have sometimes gone into it when the King was absent from Delhi and once pretty far I thought , for the purpose of giving my advice in the case of a great lady so ill that she could not be moved to the outward gate ; but a Kachemire shawl covered my head , hanging like a large scarfe down to my feet , and a eunuch led me by the hand , as if I had been a blind man .
25 The rockets had been damaged by allied bombing raids during the Gulf war and could not be moved to the main destruction site at Muthana , where most of the other 45,000 chemical warheads had been transported .
26 Fears of a two-tier system of treatment between patients of fundholders and non-fundholders ‘ are largely confused ’ : Glennerster sees no reason why , with careful management , the benefits could not be extended to all patients .
27 Clearly , orthodox ministerial responsibility could not be extended to them without undermining the arm 's length principle .
28 Other points of the agreement outlined at the press conference included the concession that although West German troops could be stationed in East Germany , NATO structures could not be extended to East German territory as long as Soviet soldiers remained there .
29 In the book itself he carried through this programme by asserting that theology could not be dictated to by another discipline either about the nature of its object or about the methods appropriate to its study .
30 The senate decreed that B could not be asked to institute C heir : yet it appeared that in this way A had asked that B should make over A 's estate to C , that is to make over to him whatever B had obtained from A 's estate .
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