Example sentences of "could not [adv] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It argued that without them : it would not be possible , in practice , to operate a system of resale price maintenance because it would be impracticable for each publisher to specify his own conditions of sale ; booksellers would find it impossible to comply with all the varied terms imposed by different publishers ; booksellers would lose their assurance that they were not being undercut ; and the Association itself could not effectively monitor individual resale agreements .
2 Most significant , perhaps , was the absence of a strong British Labour presence : indeed , the party executive had frowned upon participation , dismissing the Congress as a body composed of ‘ unrepresentative interests ’ that could not effectively advance any successful and workable form of integration .
3 The effort exhausted him although he could not comfortably lie still and his temples tightened .
4 A dynasty which had ruled a great network of continental territories , larger in geographical extent than those of the Capetian kings of France , could not easily forget that legacy , nor readily adjust to the changed political conditions of the later thirteenth century .
5 This does not mean , however , that they could not easily become unrestricted by a future change in policy : if the fleet of cars subsequently becomes superfluous then it would be nonsensical not to put the fund back to where it originated .
6 ‘ The principle that a defendant must take the plaintiff as he finds him involves that if a wrongdoer ought reasonably to foresee that as a result of his wrongful act the victim might require medical treatment he is , subject to the principle of novus actus interveniens , liable for the consequences of the treatment applied although he could not reasonably foresee those consequences or that they could be serious . ’
7 He realised that the Communist parties had lost touch with their peoples and that he could not logically denounce Stalinist terror and neo-Stalinist stagnation in his own country without accepting the same for the countries which Stalin forcibly incorporated into the Soviet empire .
8 However , because of what had happened during the last few days , she knew she could not simply let this matter fade from her mind .
9 However , it soon became clear that Laura could not secretly organize such a major undertaking while based abroad , and , in desperation , brought in Deborah , She , realizing the potential of the project , begged another year and set up the operation openly in the company 's London workroom at Clapham .
10 The Senate on Feb. 13 removed five of its members who also held important official posts , in order to comply with the legal requirement that senators could not also hold high public office .
11 Many couples could not even speak each other 's language .
12 Accents were so strong they could not even understand each other .
13 She could still see only his profile , and when he moved away , into the room 's shadows , she could not even see that .
14 The company in question would be the first to admit that the analysis was a pioneering effort and that the estimates obtained were , in some cases , quite crude , as the accounting system could not readily provide all the relevant data .
15 However , all policemen belonged to lineages , and consequently the police force could not really handle those events ( such as the Ajdabiya elections ) which resulted in massive mobilization of populations : not because the numbers were too great , but because the police force did not contain enough men uninvolved on either side .
16 Ceauşescu 's obsession with numbers ought to have been satisfied by the overmanning which already existed in Romanian industry which could not really provide productive employment for the existing population .
17 The problems of selecting Objective 2 regions are particularly illustrated by the UK case , where the final list of Objective 2 regions contained anomalies in that some areas became eligible for EC but not national assistance , despite the fact that ERDF monies were required to be additional to national expenditure and could not therefore constitute 100 per cent of any assistance measure .
18 But the job advertisements immediately omit people without experience , so therefore Catholics are omitted because they were historically excluded from those types of jobs and could not therefore have any experience .
19 One distinguished scientist was so indignantly incredulous that he seized Galambos by the shoulders and shook him while complaining that we could not possibly mean such an outrageous suggestion .
20 ‘ In any case , whatever you both felt , I decided that I could not possibly accept these things .
21 Under hypnosis , he could suggest , for instance , that this person was going to kill my wife and children and that , as a good Christian , I could not possibly allow that to happen .
22 She could not possibly have any guilt in her past .
23 ‘ I could not possibly consider such a commission for less than five hundred roubles . ’
24 Cysteamine has been used to induce ulcer and , although an alternative to other models , the cysteamine ulcer could not accurately represent human chronic duodenal ulcer .
25 The scheme did not operate entirely as anticipated : the main departure was that there were some clients for whom the development officers provided no support , either because they were admitted immediately to institutional care ( and the development officers could not always influence this decision in the way they would have liked ) or because the clients did not need or want the services of the project .
26 They argued that it was often non-culpable since even the most respectable workers could not always save sufficient to provide for old age — a hazard which not all could expect to live to experience and whose length was uncertain .
27 He taught her the words of the Angelus , the Hail Mary ; though he said that he could not quite use all the words himself literally , but he respected those who could , and he did not think there was anything in it which made Mary take the place of her Son .
28 Such ties and feelings , however , could not indefinitely resist some erosion as material national interests and priorities began to change .
29 I could not live like that !
30 But they could not live like this for long .
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