Example sentences of "could not [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She would not , could not leave him for this boy !
2 Hebbert and McFall do , Hebbert decided , and he persuaded his partner they could not leave it at that after such a long flog up the mountainside .
3 On 5 September last year his girlfriend , Ann Tierney , could not wake him after staying the night with him and he was dead on arrival at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary .
4 Parents may shun sport , but one could not accuse them of doing the same with education and , as Haringey 's Clarence Callynder pointed out : ‘ Some overdo it ; they push their kids too much at school .
5 Moreover , being old and poor-sighted , they could not distinguish you from Lady Eleanor .
6 Even marriage could not cure him of all his anxieties , and it is salutary to remember that , in some situations , he was as frightened of other people as they were of him : he often seemed shy and hesitant in conversation still .
7 I could not expect her to be bridesmaid .
8 He could not expect them to be warmed by the idea of daffodils coming up outside .
9 She endured his lovemaking , sometimes she even enjoyed it , but for the greater part she could not love him in the way he truly deserved .
10 If she could not consume them at least she could hold them .
11 But Alexander could not hold it against the Edoni , local tribesmen , which may have given the Athenians the idea that they could move in and plant a colony ( 465 ) .
12 For she could not bear him to be unhappy — even if it meant that she must …
13 If I could not reassure her by telling her Neil was there , and watching , it was possible , more , probable , that she would insist either on my moving into a lodging in the village , or that some of the men from the village would keep watch on Otters ' Bay and the empty house .
14 It could not prevent him from having doubts .
15 I duly notified ‘ the appropriate authorities ’ , and they replied that they could not prevent him from going because he was an English subject .
16 Larry Cummins unfortunately , could not make it to England for the reunion .
17 Their host , the Rev Kenneth MacAulay , great-uncle of Thomas Babington of that name , had sent a letter explaining that he could not meet them in Nairn : his priestly duties detained him in Cawdor — to which Boswell adds a footnote .
18 England had a target of 240 in 140 minutes , but could not meet it in the end , and as a result the Test was drawn .
19 She could not link him in her mind with her mother at all , though the two of them had once shared a mother themselves .
20 His hatred since was channelled towards Beth , and , in all truth , she could not blame him for it .
21 Christ could not blame him for drinking .
22 He believed she did not love him because he was like his father but he could not blame her for this because he knew he was unlovable .
23 He had learnt something valuable , though he still could not isolate it in his mind .
24 My source tells me : ‘ The firemen were very helpful and attempted to remove the offending smoke sensor but could not isolate it from the system so the demonstration continued with shorter cooking times and lower temperatures to reduce the flames .
25 She could not tell him about Havvie ; neither could she speak the lie to him , not to Dr Neil , but she could not tell him the truth , for that would mean telling him who she was , and she could not tell him that , not here , not now ; it would spoil everything between them if he knew that she was the spoiled and pampered American Princess .
26 I could not formulate it to myself then but I felt the uniqueness .
27 She could not avoid her in the nurses ' home dining-room that night , however .
28 However , she could not avoid it at The Tamarisks , for although Fru Møller offered a generous choice of hors d'œuvres and puddings she did not provide a choice of main course and Elisabeth would not have dreamt of placing herself at a disadvantage by drawing attention to her disability and pleading for something easier than steak to swallow .
29 Naidoo reiterated that the NSC was expecting Sacu to come to a decision and could not ease it for them by offering guarantees of future tours .
30 However , the man with the radio at the final door worked for TAP , the state airline , not the airport , so he could not open it for us .
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