Example sentences of "could not [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 We could not go for a walk that afternoon .
2 Mum always bragged about never borrowing off anyone but I had noticed that since Dad had been on short time she seemed to have more money than ever to spend and was getting more friendly with the neighbours she could not stand as a rule .
3 He could not stand from a sitting position without using his arms and walked with difficulty unsupported .
4 The British Columbians , despite dogged persistence , could not cope with a pack in which eight men worked as one and where possession once obtained was so powerfully and cunningly retained .
5 Sometimes adults , inexperienced and suspicious of drama , could not cope with a vague suggestion that the second partner should be in role as a friend , colleague or relative .
6 Obviously the NZRFU could not fit in a tour to South Africa in the second half of that heavy programme .
7 However , they could not decide on a fair price , partly because Patino had grown increasingly attached to the painting , and so they finally decided to go to auction to resolve the issue .
8 She could not hold in a corner of her mind the rational knowledge that this was purely childish .
9 He admired a point which Stead had made about Polynesians and Christianity , but worried that he could not think of a Christian anthropologist .
10 For twenty minutes and more I could not think of a thing to write .
11 Back at his hotel , packing for his return to London , John wondered how to fit this large acquisition into his luggage , could not think of a way , decided that he did not want a souvenir of the trip anyway because of his gloom about the impending ballet , so tore it up and threw it in the wastepaper basket .
12 He could not think of a single convincing excuse that would get him out of the house .
13 Nutty could not think of a good answer and nor could Mr Sylvester , so Nails was allowed to come .
14 It seemed a rather broad question , and one for which Lord John could not think of a specific answer .
15 After citing passages from Amand 's case Sir John Donaldson M.R. , with whose judgment Kerr and Lloyd L.JJ. agreed , observed , at p. 977 , that he could not think of a case in which the order appealed from arose more clearly in a criminal cause or matter .
16 At first he sat looking at his feet , and she could not think of a thing to say .
17 On the way home , she found that she wanted to cry again and could not think of a possible reason why she should .
18 Isabel could not think of a single thing to say .
19 Until she met Rainald she could not think of a future , with or without fitzAlan .
20 I could not think of a single thing that Quigley had ever done for me .
21 The Gallup survey , commissioned by the Daily Telegraph , also found that more than a third could not think of a single thing about Britain of which to be proud .
22 Some builders , as we have seen , working later than Cristofori , put in their actions something resembling a check but which could not function as a true check .
23 Taken by surprise , she could not answer for a moment and than said angrily , ‘ If you knew , why did n't you say something before ? ’
24 Nevertheless what was being demonstrated in the course of 1945 was that — whatever the feelings of affinity that might exist between Britain and the United States — a substantial relationship could not endure without a strong sense of common interests and above all a sense of exposure to common dangers .
25 If they knew for certain that a vote of censure could not result in a general election , but would simply bring about a reshuffle in the Government , their conduct would become more robust .
26 With mid-summer approaching , it is hardly the time to reflect on winter festivals , but the success of the kids Christmas party in the canteen on 15th December could not pass without a mention .
27 He could not walk into a room without arousing a response .
28 His legs were thin and weak , and he could not walk in a straight line .
29 Two members of the Wigtown council could not vote in a parliamentary election without voiding the election , for the Earl of Galloway and his eldest son Lord Garlies were both members .
30 The argument of Edward 's lawyers that a woman could not succeed to a fief was not upheld by local custom , and so Jean I of Armagnac remained the beneficiary of much of the de Goth inheritance in the duchy .
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