Example sentences of "could have been [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Limited supplies of fruit and vegetables must have been available , while an abundance of natural fruits and nuts could have been gathered in season , for either home consumption or for sale in the local market .
2 The closure of Ulimwengu could have been challenged in the courts had anyone felt willing , or been at liberty , to do so .
3 Links with parents and with associated schools — which were reported to be few and far between — could have been developed in this situation .
4 for it would have been possible , they argue , to move towards a system that examined knowledge and skills which crossed old subject boundaries ; a new way of looking both at the sciences and the arts could have been incorporated in the new syllabuses .
5 Judging by the many Figures covered by the first letter of the alphabet — fifty-eight at the beginning — it can be appreciated that Miller had been justly advised ; such expansion throughout the work would have priced it far outside the purse of the ‘ generality ’ if , indeed , it could have been completed in his lifetime .
6 The applicant sought relief on the grounds that ( 1 ) at the time the coroner took his original decision there was considerable evidence before him that the death would not have occurred but for delays experienced by the deceased 's family in contacting the ambulance service and later delays by the ambulance service in responding to repeated calls by the police for an ambulance to come to take the deceased to hospital as a matter of urgency ; ( 2 ) in reaching the conclusion that an inquest was unnecessary the coroner had misdirected himself in law for the reasons , inter alia , that ( i ) section 8(1) ( a ) of the Coroners Act 1988 required a coroner to hold an inquest where there was ‘ reasonable cause to suspect ’ that the deceased had died a ‘ violent or unnatural death ; ’ ( ii ) there had been clear and uncontradicted evidence before the coroner that avoidable and culpable delays by the ambulance service might have been the reason why the deceased 's asthma attack , which could have been treated in hospital , proved fatal , giving rise to a ‘ reasonable cause to suspect ’ that the cause of the deceased 's death was ‘ unnatural ; ’ and ( iii ) against that background , the coroner had erred in law in treating the pathologist 's conclusion as conclusive and had either misdirected himself as to the meaning of ‘ unnatural death ’ in section 8 of the Coroners Act 1988 or failed to apply the law properly to the facts of the case .
7 Zoo staff said rare animals could have been killed in the attack and warned that the gang members would have been in danger if any of the animals had managed to escape .
8 The doctor said the injury could have been caused in a number of ways and though the soldier was limping he was ‘ surprised that such a minor injury would cause a limp . ’
9 This nightmare of processing phantoms reminds us of the procession of daemons from Phaistos , which could have been seen in the sort of opium trance de Quincey described .
10 If this were true , and if oceanic crust was being generated at all the oceanic ridges in the world at this rate throughout geological history , then the entire present oceanic crust could have been formed in a mere couple of hundred million years , and therefore , without some other kind of process acting , there would be a vast quantity of spare oceanic crust lying around .
11 Crops could have been grown in it free of the manorial and village restrictions which controlled the crops which could be grown in the village fields .
12 The yelling could have been heard in Montreal .
13 She got no further than the hall and Ellen 's answer could have been heard in every corner of the house : ‘ None ! ’
14 At Oxford Crown court Mr Lanaghan denied he could have been mistaken in identifying Spencer .
15 She says : ‘ Experiencing the reality of this very wonderful little human being makes a mockery of any disappointment that could have been felt in her .
16 Her hero could have been transfixed in the light from the Trinity , she thought , but it was cold light , cold , cold light .
17 Two men had escaped the inrush but had been trapped in a long section of roadway ; they had lived together in the pitch dark and freezing cold for about 8 days , until overcome by poisonous gas ; there was no way in which they could have been saved in time had their position been known .
18 Opposition leaders believe that more could have been done in Geneva to find an international solution .
19 ‘ All this could have been done in commercial machinery shops , but it would have cost a fortune , ’ he says .
20 At this stage also it will almost certainly become apparent that a better job could have been done in the research if only more attention had been given to certain factors which had not been thought beforehand to have been of much importance .
21 He could have been done in by some thug who was after the money in his pockets .
22 Since their prime purpose was to stable horses , and perhaps to accommodate their grooms ( though this could have been done in hay lofts at first-floor level ) , it is instructive to consider the space needs .
23 ‘ I suppose he could have been done in somewhere else and then carted up there . ’
24 ’ It would n't be an overstatement to say we 've carried near on a hundred tons of material of one sort or another up this driveway to our house , whereas it could have been done in a couple of days with permission to drive up . ’
25 Things could have been done in an underhand way , but I insisted that Hibs ask for permission to speak to me .
26 In general , whereas previously a site of a new plant could have been selected in three to six months , it may now take two or more years .
27 Kilkenny could have been beaten in the Leinster championship but for a controversial penalty , awarded after John Power went down in the square .
28 More problematically , open market areas need not be expected at all sites , because temporary stalls or even trestle tables could have been erected in side-streets , as in some modern towns today .
29 It is a picture of the 1888 regatta , but the yachts could have been sailing in the Bay in the 30s .
30 Even this reduced sentence exceeds , by a considerable margin , the maximum penalty which could have been imposed in a magistrates ' court ( which is where the majority of burglars of this type would normally be tried ) .
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