Example sentences of "could have [been] [v-ing] for " in BNC.

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1 Erm the issue is is that potentially you could be goi we could 've been going for four point three extra people and we probably wo n't do that .
2 It could have been leaking for months .
3 Brian Inglis , a writer on the paranormal , said the spoof could have been damaging for those who had had ghostly experiences .
4 Barbara Coleman had said Maurin was responsible for keeping her hidden , and therefore the men who attacked Edouard could have been acting for him .
5 ‘ What do you think they could have been looking for — the people who ransacked her cottage ? ’
6 The only difference is that I suppose er at we have er which is development in North Stockton , we have er erm permission for four hundred erm executive dwellings which is the sort of er market which you could have been looking for at in the past .
7 You have got to train that person which you could have been doing for years and
8 It was completely anarchic , they could have been fighting for anything , cheaper teabags for all they cared , half of them .
9 You could have been making for any one of them in a boat .
10 He could have been crying for his mummy .
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