Example sentences of "could [be] make [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now things could be made even worse by the failure of the Gatt talks .
2 Failing that the surrounding soil could be made either impermeable or capable of neutralising the effects .
3 It was thought that their former colleagues might like to hear from the University , particularly if some improvement in the alumni services available to those who studied at Stirling years ago could be made both useful and attractive .
4 Concern over whether the vessel could be made completely safe almost led to the board 's plans for a pressurised-water reactor being dropped altogether two years ago .
5 There 's a lovely great open space , where it used to be all wood , which if you had plenty of money and could have enough gardeners could be made very exciting . ’
6 Trustee Arthur Houghton is called ‘ a loose cannon ’ due to his idea that the Cloisters ‘ could be made more appealing to the average visitor by weeding out the ‘ welter of objects ’ .
7 It would certainly be easier to mitigate the effects of such a drought if long-range forecasting could be made more effective , and although there is as yet no secure basis for the kind of forecasting required , an analysis of the causes of the latest drought offers some hope of explanations that may have predictive value in future .
8 By lowering the height of the wall , and thereby enabling it to be built more thickly , it could be made more effective in both defence and counter-attack .
9 If you have difficulty getting to the lavatory , it could be made more accessible by special adaptations such as hand rails or a raised seat .
10 Thus , whereas classicism 's image of human nature portrayed all human beings as being fully responsible for their own actions , Bentham saw criminals as having limited rationality and responsibility , but thought that they could be made more rational by the correct application of reformative techniques in his ‘ mill for grinding rogues honest ’ , as he called the Panopticon .
11 In seeking ways in which planning procedures could be made more efficient , the committee noted that ‘ not all authorities are operating as efficiently as they might ’ and the greatest scope for improvement lay in assisting all authorities to reach the standard set by the best .
12 But it is hard indeed to see how that axiom itself could be made more convincing either to a purely humanist philosophy or to a theology which maintained that God is something more and other than the obverse of our finitude .
13 No doubt this could be made more sophisticated but it was judged better to oblige the user to adjust the illumination .
14 This still held good under Henry III and Edward I. But there were at least two means whereby the un-welcome connotations of homage for the king-duke of Aquitaine could be made more acceptable .
15 First , older people could be made more aware of the importance of changes in individual behaviour and their potential health benefits .
16 In a study by Mayes into various measures of testing the readability of guides , he found that guides were jargon-filled , unappealing etc and suggested many ways in which they could be made more readable .
17 A second was even better and could be made readily available from commercial growers .
18 There was slight muddying of some tones , and the bass end could be made so heavy that it wiped out the rest of the mix , but with some careful EQ'ing during mixdown I ended up with a result which would be more than acceptable as a demo tape .
19 It 's the type of injury that could be made much worse if he plays .
20 The question of law raised by the application was whether Savory Milln could be made personally liable as constructive trustees to repay the £13.5m ( no longer traceable ) which had been applied in discharge of Mr Ferriday 's and other sub-underwriters ' liabilities to Savory Milln .
21 In addition the church might consider placing paid advertisements from time to time , highlighting forthcoming events which could be made especially attractive to the outsider .
22 Any attempt to frame a definition along these lines , however , would run aground because , although such a definition could be made fairly general , it would not discriminate sharply enough to provide a guarantee of hyponymy :
23 The Council of Europe stayed its hand , and the Seventh Session of the Conference found that by making two small amendments to the service provisions of the 1905 text ( the definition of ‘ autorité compétente ’ in Article 2 , so as to include solicitors ; an addition to Article 3 providing for the supply of two copies of the document to be served ) the Hague text could be made entirely acceptable to the British Government .
24 Secondly , a simple flasher could be made entirely independent of the car 's electrical system thus being extremely quick and easy to install and requiring no modification of the existing vehicle 's wiring .
25 If the photon 's momentum were thus determined the electron 's uncertainty Δp could be made as small as we pleased , thus beating , it would seem , the restriction [ 2 ] In fact this does not work because we have to treat the microscope as also subject to quantum mechanical uncertainty .
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