Example sentences of "could [not/n't] [vb infin] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Joseph enjoyed being able to scold his wicked employer , with warnings from the Bible , and I could not leave Miss Catherine .
2 After much uncertainty it became plain that the Russians could not expect Mr Aziz to return to Moscow until late on Thursday ; he was expected to go at once to see Mikhail Gorbachev .
3 INVINCIBLE : Parkinson 's Disease could not stop soccer star Chris Garland from walking 130 miles with Botham
4 Airport security was largely superficial , and outdated equipment could not detect plastic explosives .
5 We may note Le Chevalier qui fist parler les cons ( seven manuscript copies ) , Cele qui se fist foutre sur la fosse de son mari , " The woman who got fucked on the tomb of her husband " ( six copies ) , Cele qui fu foutue et desfoutue ( six copies ) , La Damoiselle qui ne pooit oïr parler de foutre , " The maid who could not bear hearing talk of fucking " ( five copies ) , La Coille noire , " The black balls " ( six copies ) or La Dame escoillee , " The woman who had her balls cut off " ( six copies ) .
6 I wish I could give him a post , but I could not pass Lord Bute 's son with decency ’ .
7 East German nuclear power plants would have to be closed down immediately , because they could not meet EC safety norms .
8 The number of companies which could not meet payment orders for lack of sufficient funds rose by 60 per cent .
9 Soft ground is essential for Yahoo and conditions should be to his liking , although if he could not beat Desert Orchid in the Cheltenham bog it is difficult to visualise him doing it at Kempton .
10 They might muffle his body and cover his face as they would , but they could not hide Harry Talvace from Aelis .
11 So , since for the present Neil preferred to lie low and find out just what Ewen was up to , I could not tell Mrs McDougall of Ewen 's night-time visit .
12 Although she could no longer bear to live with her father , she could not abandon mortgage payments .
13 He did have ( and I know this as I was on his staff at the time ) some sympathy with Coastal Command in view of its flight in the Atlantic , particularly in the Western Approaches and more especially in what was called the " black pit " , this was an area in the Atlantic where the RAF could not give air cover to the convoys either from Ireland .
14 The chairman said that on that matter he could not give Mr. Bulmer an assurance .
15 No , she could not picture Hugh Puddephat as the adolescent father of an illegitimate son .
16 I could not terminate Adolph Ng so conveniently .
17 Gerhard Riege , a Party of Democratic Socialism ( PDS ) member of the Bundestag ( lower house of federal parliament ) , committed suicide on Feb. 15 , leaving a note in which he stated that he could not face media publicity concerning his alleged Stasi connections in the former GDR .
18 The only credible explanation is that Nkrumah , with Rhodesia fresh in his mind , felt he could not tolerate superpower indifference to the Third World any longer .
19 Neglect of this obvious truth led to computer programs ( say , for language analysis ) being regarded as failures if they could not record 100% success .
20 Even the inevitable goal from Clive Allen , making yet another debut against one of his many former employers , could not lift West Ham .
21 He could not thank Mr Yarrow enough for having introduced him .
22 Even their discontented subjects could not imagine routine vices .
23 He could not see Nona Pitt as the poisoner of her parents .
24 Even in fantasy he could not see Terry Place settling down to a game of chess .
25 Alice loitered around for a while , and no one came in or out , and she could not see Comrade Andrew through the downstairs windows , for the curtains were drawn .
26 Turning from the altar , Cameron could not see Mr Whistle among the congregation , but did think he glimpsed Judi , loitering embarrassed near the back .
27 He could not see Mr Gordon .
28 A CRE spokesman said yesterday the commission could not discuss Mr McNeill 's comments because of its investigation .
29 And for the same reason Camel Lairds could not gain intervention funding .
30 Charles could not judge George Birkitt 's performance , he was too close to the part to be objective , but there was no doubt that Michael Banks was going to be very strong as the father .
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