Example sentences of "could [not/n't] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was sufficient for the king 's purpose to avoid excommunication , but Anselm could not yet return to England because ‘ not being willing [ as Eadmer reports ] in any way to violate his obedience to the pope ’ he could have no dealings with the king 's excommunicated ministers .
2 If two monads coincided in all their attributes , then they would be indistinguishable and one could not properly speak of " two " monads .
3 ( a ) Where the judge comes to the conclusion that the prosecution evidence , taken at its highest , is such that a jury properly directed could not properly convict upon it , it is his duty , upon a submission being made , to stop the case .
4 If the magistrate concludes , on the evidence before him , that the previous evidence is such that a jury properly directed could not properly convict upon it , then , on the principle stated in Reg. v. Galbraith [ 1981 ] 1 W.L.R. 1039 , he should not commit .
5 The United States could not properly insist on " a blank check " .
6 But it would be the tritest form of reductionism to assume that Eliot , because he could not adequately deal with female sexuality , was therefore homosexual .
7 A limitation of our study is that we had baseline data on smoking for only a few of the subjects and could not completely control for the potentially confounding effects of cigarette smoking .
8 Typically subjects either described at length one feature of interest ignoring all others , or else they gave several brief cryptic comments which could not unambiguously assigned to particular objects in the film .
9 The two microphone techniques mentioned earlier were then rivals , and professional engineers and amateurs could not easily switch from one to the other , much less judge absolute fidelity .
10 It was clear that he and Sarah could not easily talk to each other about sexual issues .
11 The tsar had good reason to listen to the advice of his financial experts , for not only were his finances in a desperate state but also he could not easily borrow on western markets so long as the empire 's accounting procedures remained inadequate .
12 As we came upon the moving picture with its ability not only to entertain us but also to analyse what we could not easily see with the unaided eye , we began to recognize that we had new tools for discovery ; we now knew exactly how a horse used its feet in galloping , what an explosion was like in slow motion , what a street looked like to the condensed eye of the time-lapse camera .
13 As a sex , women joined other culturally disenfranchised groups who could not easily participate in high culture .
14 He had met the press at a cocktail party and had stood there answering impertinent questions with disconcerting honesty , a glass of ginger ale in one hand and a canapé in the other ; when he could not immediately think of an answer he nibbled the canapé and viewed the questioner with cold button eyes .
15 Moreover , foreign policy dictated caution ; with France and Scotland in alliance , she could not immediately break with Spain , and for the first four months of her reign the watching world was asked to believe in her willingness to contemplate marriage with her late sister 's husband , Philip II .
16 Although Priddle was able to say where most of Britain 's exports of plutonium were destined , he could not immediately account for 0–75 tonnes of plutonium from British Nuclear Fuel 's military reactors at Chapelcross and Calder Hall , which has gone overseas .
17 Women could not normally inherit in other ancient Near Eastern countries , but in Israel the ruling is given that brotherless daughters may inherit .
18 Whether this will in practice make a great difference may be doubted , since it seems unlikely that a court will come to the conclusion that a chief constable of police has come to a decision that he could not reasonably arrive at , which is the critical test for the exercise of the powers of judicial review .
19 The new President , the Premier , the two Deputy Premiers and the Defence Minister all held seats in the People 's Great Hural which they were required to give up , as it was stipulated that Cabinet post-holders could not concurrently serve as deputies to the assembly .
20 A court would interpret such words in their natural manner which is objective , i.e. the Secretary of State could not simply rely upon his own subjective beliefs , but would have to point to some evidence from which it could reasonably be inferred that , for example , Napoleon was a person of hostile origin .
21 First , he saw himself as charged with a mission ( that of maintaining peace and unity ) which he could not simply renounce by an act of free will .
22 In May 1982 Britain tried to force concessions by delaying a review of CAP prices , but was defeated by a majority vote of the other members , an event which called into question the Luxembourg Compromise and showed that Thatcher could not simply act as a new de Gaulle .
23 In the laboratory he did undoubtedly think with his hands thoughts which he could not clearly express in words , or in the more accurate language of mathematics ( which he distrusted ) ; but he did try in his lectures to put across some of his underlying convictions .
24 ‘ We feel that to fund people who could not otherwise go to court is a very correct use of taxpayers ’ money .
25 ‘ We feel that to fund people who could not otherwise go to court is a very correct use of taxpayers ’ money'
26 The rhetoric of equal opportunity could not finally win over the entrenched interests in a broad-meshed filter , a crude sieve for the child population .
27 There was one resignation from the committee in June , Elise felt she could not longer continue as publicity officer and we asked Rosetta to step into that office .
28 Charles Russell also found much to admire in his Manchester Scuttlers , seeing in their violent gang fights a ‘ sense of comradeship ’ which he could not altogether disapprove of : ‘ The ‘ Scuttler ’ ’ was not wholly bad ; he would rather be a blackguard than a dullard .
29 Desperate for points to avoid relegation , they could not even succeed in keeping the score down despite a creditable second-half rally ; only Summers 's try was added to Gill 's 25th try .
30 At first , the Assembly could not even decide upon its own agenda : it was only after the first session in 1949 that the Committee of Ministers agreed not to exercise its right to draw up the Assembly 's agenda .
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