Example sentences of "could [not/n't] [verb] him the " in BNC.

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1 She felt she could not tell him the truth to his face , but there was another way .
2 Both of them realised that he had abandoned all pretence that Sally-Anne was an ordinary young woman come to work in Vetch Street , but neither of them pursued the matter , Dr Neil from delicacy , and Sally-Anne because she could not tell him the real truth about herself — he would undoubtedly immediately send her back to the embassy , and she did not want that at all — it would be failure .
3 She could not tell him about Havvie ; neither could she speak the lie to him , not to Dr Neil , but she could not tell him the truth , for that would mean telling him who she was , and she could not tell him that , not here , not now ; it would spoil everything between them if he knew that she was the spoiled and pampered American Princess .
4 I told the hon. Gentleman that I could not give him the information for which he asked until October , when the 1991 population figures would become available .
5 ‘ Too bad you could n't tell him the truth — that whatever class that dress gets it owes to you . ’
6 ‘ I could n't see him the room was full with smoke .
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