Example sentences of "could [adv] give [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ With a very great number of credit grantors not being members of any trade association and others being members of more than one , such a system could not give rise to a fair method of raising a levy .
2 Again in Johnston v Chamberlain ( 1933 ) 17 TC 706 , the taxpayer sought to argue that a payment from a discretionary trust could not give rise to income tax liability on the beneficiary as it was " only when the trustees choose to exercise their discretion by making the payment that the sum gets to the children at all " .
3 Manjiku was the creature who wanted to be a woman ; the beast that stole children for his own because he could not give birth to them himself .
4 If even one base pair change in DNA can profoundly affect the body , the inclusion of a whole length of foreign genetic material among our own genes could easily give rise to metabolic imbalances and disturbances .
5 Such an agreement could easily give rise to the inference that they intended the passing of property to be similarly postponed ( see Underwood v. Burgh Castle Brick & cement Syndicate , above ) .
6 In 1974 , Anthony Wigram founded Conservative Action for Electoral Reform and urged the adoption of proportional representation because " the present electoral system could easily give power to a Socialist Party controlled by an extreme left wing group . " .
7 The importance of Leigh is that the court was prepared to treat the " open justice " principle as a rule of law which could be asserted by a journalist against a discretionary policy , rather than as a desirable state of affairs which could nonetheless give way to judicial convenience .
8 The shortfall in Northern Ireland of no more than four members could hardly give rise to serious objection .
9 In any case primaries could well give rise to organized campaigning , too expensive to be envisaged by all but the well-heeled .
10 Has the hon. Gentleman , who reads with his lips so much that he could almost give lessons to the Leader of the Opposition , read the amendment which deals with precisely this issue ?
11 He and his family would retire for a while from public gaze , so that they could privately give vent to their grief at the loss of that larger-than-life figure who had seemed immortal …
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