Example sentences of "could [verb] for [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The rest could wait for another day .
2 At times of high wages or low food prices , out-workers could opt for more leisure , but in times of slack trade they might well find themselves unable to get enough work to compensate for falling rates .
3 We know that there are in principle X young people who could qualify for that entitlement — that information is available from the census — but their choice whether or when to exercise it is not predictable .
4 If you think you could qualify for this allowance or need more information of help in filling in the forms , contact the bureau .
5 Could do for some charity .
6 Her doctor had told her that there was nothing he could do for this problem , so she decided on private treatment from a doctor that a friend recommended .
7 First , we could search for some analogue of the potential function which proved so useful in electrostatics .
8 Amongst the villagers , the division on Friday night was between the men , who had been in the pub and could vouch for each other , and the wives , who had been watching telly at home and could n't , but who seemed knowledgeable , when pressed , about a number of ITV programmes .
9 ‘ I could die for that ceiling , ’ he says .
10 There she could call for any food or liquor she wanted , so long as she had the wherewithal to pay the inflated prices demanded by the Sponging House keeper .
11 Perhaps I could suggest her getting someone in to look after him and she could come for half time .
12 I 'd be very grateful if you could arrange for this work to be carried out .
13 This correspondence , it appears , could continue for some time .
14 There are many reasons one could argue for this descent into retirement .
15 There are clearly a large number of factors which could account for this difference .
16 They also concluded that genetic factors alone , without environmental interactions , could account for this segregation .
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