Example sentences of "could [verb] [pron] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Willsford , Riverside Boy and Richard Dunwoody 's expected mount Wo n't be Gone Long are others to look at but I feel that the class of Chatam could make him the bet of the race .
2 ‘ I 'm sad , Luney , that 's what it is , ’ and she wished Luney could cover her the way she had Francis , as though she too were like a baby .
3 You could buy him the Crown of Command as one of his magic items , which at 50 points still makes him marginally cheaper than an Orc or Black Orc Warlord .
4 Ada believed that nobody could grudge you the right to complain .
5 Who around here could give her the life and comfort she gets here ?
6 The career support scheme , which would be voluntary , would put people seeking advice in touch with others who had already experienced their particular problem and could give them the benefit of their knowledge .
7 No whoever gave them the kit could give them the training to go with it .
8 I could give them the key to Father 's safe and they 'd be so grateful they 'd have a pair of boots made specially for me .
9 She could put him into the scale alongside Joseph and Tarquin Poulteney-Crosse whom she believed culpable of murder , or she could give him the benefit of the doubt .
10 could give you the benefit of erm reduce down time .
11 Erm and what I would like to do , that paper was written by Mr , erm our research officer and perhaps after I 've made one or two general remarks , he could give you the flavour erm of of of the difference as we as we see , if that would be acceptable to you ?
12 Well , I 'm s sure if you wanted to I could give you the paint and you can do it for me .
13 So if anybody does patchwork knitting or makes blankets or anything for charity and they 'd like to give me a ring any time , I could give you the pattern .
14 Endorsement by IOSCO would not only enhance the IASC 's credibility but could give it the opportunity to expand its work .
15 ‘ Emma saw her in Bamford and asked her if she could send her the book to sign and Harriet said yes , of course .
16 And so that you could send them the information about it all , and then James is just talking into the camera , saying , oh I 'm really glad that this is happening , the band 's gon na be really happy , finally we 're on our way , bla bla , and then it ends .
17 If you could show me the way out- ’
18 Once they had spent an enjoyable week in Bath and on another occasion he had suggested going to Cornwall so that she could show him the house where she was brought up .
19 He could show her the house where he was born and the farm , and be proud now , because he was the big success come home , and the family and friends would be in awe of him .
20 So d' you think you could tip her the wink an' tell her I 've got back early ?
21 And I remind this council of something I said a few years ago of an incident , incident concerning the Atherstone hunt in my ward where the hounds attacked the dogs of , a couple of dogs of a constituent of mine in his back garden totally uncontrolled , they were running amuck right across land in Ellistown this is nothing the hunt could do nothing the hunt tried to do they were too busy off still dashing ahead chasing the fox or what they thought was a fox .
22 House music was taking over the galaxy , and this was an indication that you could do whatever the hell you liked with the genre .
23 ‘ Craark ! ’ it said , and to Mildred 's delight , she found that she could understand what the creature meant .
24 Within a few seconds , her eyes had compensated , and she could see what the Doctor meant .
25 And then when he moved and Ellie could see who the caller was , she did n't believe her eyes .
26 If the sign said ‘ Parking — No Caravans ’ , a restricted class can not use the field , but as the majority group could use it the field would be a public place .
27 Before Rincewind could stop him the dragonrider had leapt from the creature 's back to land on the platform , where he stood grinning at the wizard 's discomfiture .
28 Either one could discard what the philosopher had said about women and keep the rest — which in fact often meant accepting conceptions of human nature that took the male as paradigm , and trying to demonstrate that women were as fully human as men , or one could argue that the philosopher 's thought formed a system within which the attitude towards women formed an inseparable part ( see Elshtain 's ( 1981 ) discussion of the private-public distinction or Grimshaw ( 1986 ) for the examples of Aristotle and Kant ) , so that it was impossible just to take certain parts and leave the rest .
29 I ca n't see her in the dark , but from the hushed swell of her breathing I could draw you the map of her body .
30 The position before this case was that if a power was properly classifiable as a prerogative power , the courts could decide what the extent of the power was and whether a proper occasion for its exercise had arisen , but they could not decide whether it had been exercised reasonably or fairly .
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