Example sentences of "could [verb] [pron] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I would be glad if Miss Marsden could spare me a few moments . ’
2 I would be most grateful if you could spare me a few moments of your time . ’
3 ‘ Mr Cunningham asked if you could spare him a few minutes before leaving the hotel .
4 Well if you could spare us a few moments , we 'd be most grateful , your , it 's for a new series we 're contemplating , A Day in the Afterlife .
5 ‘ He is fully committed for several weeks ahead , but he could spare you a few minutes at the end of his list one day . ’
6 You could make them the same overall diameter , you could even get the tensions to be the same , but when you play those strings they 're going to feel completely different because a string with a thin core and a heavy wrap is going to move more freely than one with a heavy core and a thin wrap .
7 ‘ You could dye them the same colour , ’ said Betty .
8 You could give him a half a mark there .
9 ‘ Perhaps he could give you a few tips , ’ Leo said .
10 ‘ Maybe the Commander could give you a few tips for your essay , ’ he said .
11 Or what we could do , if you say these this dose makes you a bit drowsy , we could give you the same stuff but in a lower dose .
12 The only legal right she had was to complain about the beatings when she could stand them no more .
13 She accepted it as a convenience , like an improved system of telephones ; she did not dedicate herself to it as the expression of a moral idea of comradeship and equality , the avowal of which could leave nothing the same .
14 She suddenly wished that she had Finn here so that she could tell him a few more home truths .
15 ‘ I could tell you a few tales about yon place , ’ she remarked , jerking her head in the direction of Dudley House .
16 He says to her aye , he says , I could tell you a few things about Fiona that 'll make your hair curl .
17 ‘ I could cook you the same food for a quarter of the price .
18 His response to a Christian who might approach him with the request to convert to Hinduism would be to urge him to try to be a good Christian since the Gītā could offer him no more than the Bible .
19 ‘ I could ask you the same . ’
20 ‘ I think Harry learnt a lesson there and I could teach him a few more before he goes …
21 We 've just heard that in Berkshire , the M four , junction six to seven , that 's Slough on the A four , if you 're heading that way this evening , traffic 's slow there going westbound and obviously could cause you a few delays .
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