Example sentences of "could [verb] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Both she and Dr Leitch spent as much time as they could spare talking to the young parents who would come to collect these patients on discharge .
2 He carried no weapon save his own sharp needles and scissors , but it occurred to him that he could make do with the slivers of glass from the broken sarcophagus .
3 Neither philanthropists nor speculators could solve the problem of the very poor ; there were too few philanthropists , and no speculator could make housing for the poorest pay .
4 I could 've done without the naughty words in the scrolly , but this is a minor niggle ( prude ! — Ed ) — Dutch Breeze 1 & 2 are mighty fine demos .
5 Er Harry Truman could 've run for the presidency in nineteen fifty two but chose not to .
6 You mean they could 've , they could 've gone for the Soviet style collectivization ?
7 and could 've gone round the corner for
8 He could 've come in the shop and bought them , yeah .
9 After years of living with Lewis she still knew but did not know that ‘ a man ’ could regard reading as the main business of the day and everything else as an interruption .
10 It was also noted that interventionist action could include leafleting in the area , talks to local groups and the preparation of kits and materials as well as the organisation of pressure groups and similar activities .
11 If the pilots , flight attendants and management can not agree a new buyout , Coniston said it would force a restructuring of UAL which could include selling off the company 's planes and its air routes .
12 To maintain continuity , the paper suggests that firms should establish transitional arrangements for the handover : these could include arranging for the new partner to work on the audit team beforehand , and ensuring that other senior staff do not change in the same year .
13 Unless the circular speed of the Galaxy 's potential declines markedly towards the centre , only clouds dense enough to be strong CS emitters could survive shredding by the tidal field .
14 They ran about in a panic , those that could climb taking to the rigging , those that could swim going over the side .
15 The resolution included a guarantee of rights and liberties to all residents of Latvia in accordance with international norms of human rights , and stated that after independence residents could choose to remain in the republic either as USSR or Latvian citizens .
16 Diana could choose to stay within the Royal Family and be allowed a greater measure of freedom .
17 Firms could choose to operate under the new statute or retain their existing national corporate existence .
18 If you started from the insect , and jumped like a demented flea half a trillion times , you could expect to arrive at the fox once .
19 Churchill , while being ‘ too much a man ’ to kick the PM on the ground , had agreed to send a letter to Downing Street demanding to know by midday on Sunday the exact position he could expect to hold in the government .
20 Will he confirm , in line with undertakings given at the time of privatisation , that he expects British Steel to consider offers for the sale of Ravenscraig on a commercial basis at opportunity cost — at a price which British Steel could expect to get for the plant on world markets ?
21 Further , it identified three main ways in which coordinators could expect to contribute to the school 's teaching programme :
22 In fact , as the press release says , ‘ almost every rock climbing feature you could expect to find in the mountain environment . ’
23 And , indeed , she was more than anxious to do what she could to help look after the twins .
24 And of all fighters Hotspur could remember holding at the end of his own sword , this was the bonniest .
25 He could remember lying on the floor of his office on a carpet bright with the shards of his shattered windows , and how he had howled in his frustration .
26 She could remember standing by the window of the flat and crying , but not why she was crying , or indeed much else .
27 It was his hope that whereas an essentially Ukrainian background would rule behind the front door of their home , his son could become assimilated into the society that had adopted his flotsam parents .
28 In cementing the basis of the Führer 's pivotal position , the ‘ Hitler myth ’ had been instrumental in establishing a situation in which the traditional élites could become outflanked by the specifically Nazi élites .
29 Away to the north , curving smoothly , stretched a branch line that Holly could see illuminated by the arc lights .
30 Olomouc is full of churches , huge and chillingly ornate , freezing inside and as far as I could see deserted during the week .
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