Example sentences of "its own [noun] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Again these changes would not enable a requesting State to impose its own views on a requested State .
2 This establishment , a residential home for the elderly , was chosen deliberately because of its multifunctional nature , operating in effect as a self-contained enterprise , responsible ultimately to the parent department but encouraged to manage its own affairs on a day-to-day basis .
3 Now , with its protest against the wayward and corrupt ways of government by Rome and a demand to run its own affairs in a federal Italy , it is set to top the polls in Milan and Lombardy with as many as 60 members in the next parliament .
4 Today , Japan sees the whale issue as another example of the West imposing its own values on a vulnerable country .
5 For the moment let us focus on Said 's subsequent point that if Orientalism and anthropology derive from historicism , this is by no means a thing of the past : of more recent sciences , Said singles out in particular that of world history as practised by Braudel , Wallerstein , Anderson and Wolf , which he contends is still derived from the enterprise of Orientalism and its colluding companion anthropology , and which has refused to encounter and to interrogate its own relationship as a discipline to European imperialism .
6 Each family had its own bedrooms in one building , joined by short plank walkways to the main living area , where again each family had its own space with a small cooking area .
7 Edward Heath 's attempts to commit the party to something more dynamic , outward-looking and enterprise-based , after the meeting at Selsdon Park in 1970 , collapsed in the face of a corporate culture which had become used to having things its own way under a succession of both Conservative and Labour governments .
8 According to Dahl , we can see which group gets its own way on a particular issue and conclude that this group has power .
9 A third kind of analysis conceives some sections of the middle class ( technicians , managers , engineers , professional employees in the public service and in private industry ) either as constituting an important part of a ‘ new working class ’ which is likely to participate in its own way in a refashioned socialist movement ( Mallet , 1975 ) , or as forming one element — alongside the old industrial working class — in a new class , which is becoming involved in a new type of struggle , directed against those who control the institutions of economic and political decision making , and who reduce it to a condition , not of misery or oppression , but of restricted and dependent participation in the major public affairs of society ( Touraine , 1971a ) .
10 One of the main problems is that there is a clear separation between the various specialties , each of which has its own payment for a case .
11 Sadly , the creature drowned itself shortly after his visit by attempting to attack its own reflection in a bucket of water .
12 The concept that AEA is now able to stand on its own feet as a business is a huge achievement , based on where we were in 1988 .
13 The company commissioned its own EIA from a former consultant to Tara , Bob Dallas .
14 It then glues these thin twigs to a wall using its own saliva as a fixative .
15 Torbay also has its own mini-Malham with a statutory quota of bolt-protected , overhanging testpieces .
16 Defects can quite often appear after the lease has been granted and the tenant will not expect to have to repair defects as part of its own obligations under a full repairing lease or even through the service charge provisions of the lease where the landlord covenants to repair and charge back .
17 A distinguished Commission on Electoral Reform set up under the auspices of the Hansard Society published in 1976 a Report in which it included its own proposals for a new electoral system .
18 China discovered its own road towards a more democratic version of socialism in the course of the 1990s .
19 As each beast ambled at its own pace along a farm track , the team collected its breath with the help of a gas-tight mask and a weather balloon .
20 We have in the Conservative group always taken the view that Oxfordshire has erm contributed to its own problems to a very great extend by going , in its projected spending for this year , beyond the level set by the Secretary of State for capping .
21 The eighties is the end of that era , with the Labour Party hoist on its own identification with a housing form which was borrowed from ideological sources which were never formulated by and for the working class itself .
22 A modest star like our own Sun will contract under its own gravity in a fairly orderly fashion to become a comparatively small object known as a white dwarf .
23 The eventual measuring instrument must either be able to cope with such variations or have its own illumination from a stabilised power supply .
24 Serve potted salmon in its own dish with a cucumber or green salad and perhaps jacket potatoes .
25 For men like these a university education would have been unthinkable a few years earlier , but in 1920 Burma obtained its own university on a campus outside Rangoon .
26 Lastly , its own functions as a bank combined with its size and its relationship to the government provide a third channel through which to influence financial markets .
27 Any grudging admission of Britain 's ultimate dependence upon the United States in the event of war was accompanied by the usual warning that Americans were a " mercurial " people , governed by so " archaic " a constitution that the government might be paralysed by its own people in a crisis .
28 This usually clears up of its own accord after a few days — thereafter the person has no symptoms but may remain infectious .
29 It is against the laws of chemistry for a dissolved substance to move of its own accord from a solution of low concentration to one of high concentration .
30 A third possibility is the acquisition of knowledge for its own sake in a complex modern society which values experts and regularly validates a person 's standing by assessing his expertise .
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