Example sentences of "its [noun pl] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Shephard said some conservationists saw a contradiction between MAFF 's support for farming and its policies for the environment and some farmers were suspicious of the emphasis placed on green issues .
2 In framing its policies for the future , we hope that the Council will fully acknowledge the importance of the land use planning system , something which is not clearly enough stated in Threshold 21 .
3 Particularly in its treatment of legal services the Report was alleged to be unduly supportive of the private profession and insufficiently imaginative in its proposals for the development of the public sector .
4 The National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) has set out its proposals for the development of water resources in Britain over the next 30 years .
5 The Bank of England Task Force for Securities Settlement is due to announce its proposals for the replacement system by the end of June .
6 Castle Communications ( the audio and video group ) has introduced a number of accounting policy changes in its accounts for the year ended 30 June 1992 .
7 Berisford International ( food , agribusinesses and property ) has revalued the holding company 's investments in subsidiary entities at the year end to their underlying net asset values of £386.9m ( v £599.2m ) in its accounts for the year ended 30 September 1992 .
8 In its accounts for the year ended 30 September 1992 , the investment trust , which specialises in Far East markets , has allocated 50% of its management fee , net of tax relief , to capital reserve .
9 In its accounts for the year ended 31 March 1992 , 3i has changed its policy for accounting for operating costs .
10 Metals trader Ferromet Group has received a heavily qualified audit report from Touche Ross on its accounts for the year ended 31 December 1991 .
11 Titaghur plc ( manufacturer of jute products in India ) has received a clean auditor 's report on its accounts for the year ended 31 March 1992 after changing its system of accounting and reporting .
12 Banner Residential Properties draws shareholders ' attention to the RICS requirement in the notes to its accounts for the year ended 31 March 1992 .
13 It was brought against two of Fidelity 's directors and the auditors of its accounts for the year ended 31 March 1984 .
14 Prior ( property trading and the retailing and wholesaling of architectural ironmongery ) has received a seriously qualified audit report on its accounts for the year ended 31 March 1992 from joint auditors Wilson Wright & Co and Coopers & Lybrand .
15 It was an irony that the incident came four days before the Jockey Club clamped down even further on its rules for the use of the whip .
16 But , subject to considerable restrictions on the furtherance of political objects , a Trade Union is empowered by Statute since 1913 to devote its funds to any lawful objects authorized by its rules for the time being .
17 Essex Water is giving a presentation explaining its reasons for the application and answering questions on March 25 .
18 Nirex , the UK nuclear industry 's waste disposal company , has announced its plans for the storage of Britain 's nuclear waste in an underground repository near Sellafield in Cumbria .
19 In developing its plans for the redeployment of the Army , the General Staff were faced with three major difficulties : lack of genuine air mobility ; loss of overflying rights over Arab countries and restricted overflying of the Indian subcontinent due to India 's ‘ non-aligned ’ stance and Pakistan 's natural sympathy for Moslem Arab Nationalism ; and the justifiable reluctance in Whitehall to build up new overseas bases .
20 Lotus is continuing with its plans for the networking market by bringing out a group calendaring and scheduling program based around the Filofax interface of its Organizer package .
22 Wordperfect Corp outlined its plans for the workgroup market this week and shied away from the ‘ applets with everything ’ approach described by Microsoft Corp last month ( CI No 2146 ) .
23 Last week it launched version 4 of the XPG portability guide and laid out some of its plans for the future .
24 Each Agency will make a brief presentation of its work to date and its plans for the future .
25 Indeed , because of deficiencies , the Air Force has had to change some of its plans for the bomber and may have to dish out an extra $1 billion to correct the problems .
26 Mr Alan Milburn , Labour prospective parliamentary candidate for Darlington , was pleased the appeal had failed but suspected Bioplan might have abandoned its plans for the town anyway due to financial problems .
27 Unisys Corp has been lifting the curtain a little on its plans for the Unix-based U6000 range , as it boosted the power of its 486-based 6000/35 model by adding a 66MHz chip last week .
28 Still to come , the Labour Party outlines its plans for the economy should it come to power , and Oxfordshire 's children 's line is relaunched .
29 Point of sale systems supplier Riva Group Plc has succeeded in stemming its losses for the year to December 31 by drastic cost-cutting and leaving unprofitable market sectors .
30 The group is the non-profit-making trading arm of the 1959 Group of Charities which provides access in its shops for the sale of cards from nearly 300 charities .
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