Example sentences of "its [noun pl] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Unless Labour develops its policies the next election will be a battle between two parties with virtually identical economic policies .
2 To many within its borders the rambling diocese of Salisbury — inspiration for Trollope 's Barsetshire — is the rural heartland of timeless Anglicanism , a place to which bishops retire .
3 When a bream sucks a bait to its lips the unwanted material is taken into the mouth and filtered off through the gills .
4 Accordingly we can ask its supporters the same question we addressed to our friends from Copenhagen .
5 Yet for its adherents the common hostility it attracts from the orthodoxies of East and West is no cause for surprise .
6 Dumenil , which offered predominantly specialist single European market trusts , had dealings in its funds suspended in November 1989 because of pricing errors and administrative problems and was ordered to wind up its trusts the following year .
7 In its Appendices the Royal Commission Report contains much information about water supplies for canals ( see appendix E ) .
8 Seaview , a sprawling white villa that would have looked equally at home on some Greek island , was set high on a bluff overlooking the sea , poised like some magical fairy-tale castle , its silhouette sharp against the darkening autumn sky , at its feet the rocky shore that tumbled to the sea .
9 The date , and the exiled place of composition of its authors , suggests tellingly that the situation with which it attempts to deal is the phenomenon of fascism which seemed to have stopped in its tracks the long march of the progress of reason , and its liberating enlightenment ideals , of which Marxism was the fullest political development .
10 For all its failings the grant-aided sector represented a coherent attempt to bring new people and new perspectives to the media .
11 And , if they have read the passage , they might well be forgiven for entering it as further evidence , if evidence were needed , in support of their view that evolutionary Socialism is anathema and its proponents the prime enemy .
12 For all its faults the classic welfare state , modified where needed , remains one of the most effective ways of ensuring that the essential needs of citizens are met .
13 Association director Richard Insoll warned : ‘ The Wine and Spirit Association will be reviewing this and other instances of apparent abuse of authority by EHOs in order to give its members the best advice .
14 In this issue you can read about Auvers-sur-l'Oise where many of the Impressionists lived and painted , which has decided to give its tourists the hyperreal experience of walking through ‘ Dejeuner sur l'herbe ’ and travelling in the padded compartments of a nineteenth-century train with Monet landscapes outside .
15 Any fanatical guitar collector or dealer would find a fair few things to pick holes in ( the excessive buckle-scratching on the back , the missing selector-switch surround , a semi-collapsed bridge causing severe buzzing on the middle strings , the advanced state of decay of the stop tailpiece , an unoriginal jack-plate and a number of modern screws ) but despite its flaws the whole guitar still just reeks of class and character .
16 Now the company needs an additional £1 million , which its backers the British Technology Group and Prutec , the venture capital fund set up by the Prudential Assurance company , say they will give — but only at the expense of an ambitious programme of research .
17 Thus Hindu society bestows on its women the paradoxical nature of having power which is both beneficial and dangerous .
18 Ignoring most of its recommendations the new government took a quick decision on one of the major ones , abolishing the area tier of management .
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