Example sentences of "its [noun pl] [coord] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It is really one of the foundations of any executive power group that it maintains secrecy about its activities and avoids the possibility for its antagonists to subsume that power .
2 In both its policies and practices the CNAA was revealing the promises and the tensions of the system .
3 It has been known for Goblins to get so ambitious that the entire catapult springs from its mounts and hits the Goblin splat in the face , putting paid to the whole device .
4 it seeks as students in its classes all who feel , and can be caused to feel , the need to understand the way our society works , to assess its values and to comprehend the problems which confront it now , in order to discharge more effectively their duties and responsibilities as citizens ;
5 When Grunenthal finally decided to make civil compensation to the satisfaction of suffering parents and children , the federal government 's prosecution lost the bit between its teeth and permitted the hearing to be suspended indefinitely .
6 With its knights and cannons the Empire army would soon sweep aside an army based around boar boyz , while Orc artillery and large creatures such as trolls would present excellent targets for cannons and Helblaster volley guns .
7 The customer collects high volumes of lower value payments from its clients and recognises the many advantages to be gained from encouraging those clients to pay by direct debits .
8 One of our largest seed firms recently redesigned its packets and rephrased the planting instructions in basic English .
9 It walks on only five of its legs and holds the sixth out stiffly behind it so that it appears to have a sting projecting from the tip of its abdomen .
10 The US tuna industry was compelled by law to modify its nets and use the backdown procedure , which has significantly decreased the number of dolphins killed .
11 For instance , clauses restricting liability for late delivery , allowing for variation of the delivery date or tolerances in relation to the quantity to be delivered , clauses enabling the proferens to substitute alternative goods for those ordered , to withhold performance of its obligations or vary the terms of the contract , and force majeure clauses excusing non-performance , or extending the time for performance in the event of circumstances outside the proferens ' control , and possibly even clauses giving one party the right to withhold performance , or terminate the contract , in the event of breach by the other party , are all potentially subject to s3 .
12 It is thought one pin may have failed on the El Al flight , causing an engine to tear free of its mountings and hit the second engine as it fell .
13 When Mr. Shrewsbury of Camberwell displayed his model tramcar to the Tramways Committee on January 13 1897 , they saw its advantages and bought the patent .
14 Frightened , Communion and Liberation has now disowned Il Sabato , removing its directors and leaving the weekly in the hands of Mr Sbardella .
15 If this is the case , then it should be up to defending counsel to set it on its feet and persuade the judge to place the matter before the jury .
16 In spite of its troubles and struggles the Club was now well known and liked .
17 Better management could stop the trouble in its tracks and save the city thousands of pounds .
18 The crowd scrambled away as the Clyde burst its banks and flooded the fields .
19 Demand for the restoration of capital punishment is regarded to this day by many politicians as a powerful torrent capable of bursting its banks and flooding the adjoining landscape .
20 The campaign to have creation science taught in schools makes little of the supposed moral harm of evolutionary theory because this would expose the fundamentalism of its proponents and make the subject inadmissable as being religious teaching .
21 In fact , he wrote , I suspect that I will produce a better edition , one more worthy of its subject , now I have had time to mull over its implications and to watch the blossoming of your reputation .
22 Beyond that there is the sheer cost involved in visiting all of its customers and replacing the BT box on their wall with another , more expensive one and writing off the old analogue exchange line cards .
23 In this article Dr. Ben Wilson , Chairman of the new centre , outlines its aims and discusses the contribution it can make in helping to strengthen to Province 's economy .
24 It had certainly achieved one of its aims and revived the Italian car industry , as home-produced cars won every race with the exception of three when German manufacturers Mercedes ( twice ) and BMW broke their domination .
25 After the presentation of a complicated paper at a meeting it was a joy to watch Griffiths , with his invariable appeal to ‘ first principles ’ , strip the paper of its frills and expose the essential bones of the contribution .
26 The place is experienced as an accumulation of its pasts , a wreck like those whose flotsam litters its shores and provides the walls and furniture and windows of one of its villages , described by the English travellers Joseph and Henry Bullar in 1841 and revisited by Tabucchi 140 years later ( 29 ) .
27 The story goes that an angry auto body painter noticed his masking tape only had adhesive along its edges and told the salesman : ‘ Take this tape back to your stingy Scotch bosses and tell them to put more adhesive on it . ’
28 In our philosophy the purpose of the life of the individual is not to be the servant of the state and its objectives but to make the best of his talents and qualities .
29 its joints and spring the links that pegged it down
30 He tried to twist away , but instead his horse plunged back onto its forefeet and threw the Lieutenant 's weight fast forward .
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