Example sentences of "its [noun sg] at the time " in BNC.

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1 Political propaganda on the part of the American Relief Administration , by far the longest foreign source of aid , warped its judgement at the time , and the subsequent polarization of Russian-American relations has not improved the objectivity of later scholarly accounts of the Famine as seen through American eyes .
2 For Scott the design of the film rather than its storyline was the real statement and he refused to philosophize about its meaning at the time of Blade Runner 's release , and quick demise ( it was subsequently resurrected as a cult movie and video hit ) .
3 He had been too young to read the note but he could still remember how that table had looked when he came in , its top at the time the height of his own shoulder .
4 Not much was known about its owner at the time , he was called Colin French .
5 Although it was embellished in 1750 by John Browne , Forston Manor was already extremely sophisticated for a house of its size at the time , for it has some details that are ‘ Baroque ’ , a style that often moved rectangles into curves .
6 But Cecil 's string was struggling to find its form at the time and Rainbow Lake could manage no better than a modest sixth to subsequent Derby fourth Cairo Prince .
7 Please note : Nottinghamshire County Council has collected information to publish this brochure in good faith and every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy at the time of printing .
8 I think that Paul could feel joyful because he felt that his life was nearing its end at the time that he wrote .
9 But its bishop at the time of Pepin III , Bishop Chrodegang , a younger contemporary of St Boniface , had initiated a very influential rule of life for its canons which was quasi-monastic .
10 ( 5 ) Where any property transferred under an agreement to which this section applies has passed to a third party the references to that property in subsections ( 1 ) , ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) above shall be construed as references to its value at the time of its transfer under the agreement .
11 Though he was later subtly dismissive of the assembly , he undoubtedly appreciated its value at the time , not least for the good publicity it gave him in the British and American press .
12 But MRS HARRIS was allowed to buy it back with a mortgage of £75,000 , its value at the time .
13 Perhaps the most significant threat to the bill 's certainty is posed by its unavailability at the time of the arrival of the goods .
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