Example sentences of "its [noun sg] for [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 UN nuclear weapons expert Maurizio Zeffirero declared on Dec. 8 , following an inspection visit to Iraq , that the government had expressed its willingness for the first time to open discussions regarding foreign suppliers of its nuclear weapons programme .
2 The hotel has targeted its occupancy for the first year at 55 per cent , which , Mr Nitschke says , is realistic .
3 The CDA 's share of the vote , at 32.7 per cent , although marginally up on its result for the last municipal elections in 1986 [ see p. 34309 ] , compared aversely with 35.3 per cent in the September 1989 general election [ see p. 36900 ] .
4 And in case anyone thought that that was the end of the bad news , the company says it expects that its revenue for the first quarter to September 27 will be below analysts ' expectations and that it will incur a loss for the quarter .
5 In December 1990 , the Commission amended its Proposal for a Fifth Directive as part of a general policy of eliminating obstacles to takeover bids .
6 British Citizens for Hong Kong renewed its campaign for a last resort right-of-British abode for all .
7 Investors have been expecting its publication for the last two weeks but are fearful it will be kept back for the week when Parliament goes into the Christmas recess .
8 The completed cycle was screened in its entirety for the first time at the Venice Festival this autumn .
9 The music ranges from the familiar to the unknown — from an early opera played in its entirety for the first time to a unique performance of The Messiah where you can actually join in the singing .
10 This trailblazing series is currently on show at the National Portrait Gallery in its entirety for the first time since 1935 , together with more conventional colour portraits of John Gielgud , Vivien Leigh , the Mountbattens and Lisa Maugham , and black-and-white work from the later years .
11 This material has recently ( 1978 ) been published in its entirety for the first time , but many problems remain unsolved — or insoluble .
12 Last year the Group cut its dividend for the first time since it became a quoted company in 1970 , but this year analysts expect the dividend to be held at last year 's figure , with Pilkington digging into reserves in order to fend off the resulting loss of confidence .
13 Its owner for the last 17 years , Keith Schellenberg , has been forced to put it on the market as part of a divorce settlement , agreed after more than ten years of legal wranglings .
14 Besides , in the week of Back To The Future II ( Empire PG ) , with its trailer for the third episode shamelessly tacked on to the end , and dozens of trade names shamelessly glaring through its mise-en-scene , Field Of Dreams seems positively purist in its appeal .
15 With Stamm acting as chief engineer , the San Jose , California start-up has been readying its line for the last two years financed by a $3.5m first-round investment from venture capitalists Institutional Venture Partners , Matrix Partners and Menlo Ventures .
16 It 's not possible really to understand Eastern Europe now unless you know a little bit about its history for the last 150 years . ’
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