Example sentences of "its [noun sg] of the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Although REM sleep time was reduced , its proportion of the first 5.5 hours sleep was increased in the 5.5-hour sleep condition .
2 It should be Christians , and not only Marxists , who assert that capitalism too easily turns a blind eye to its exploitation of the Third World .
3 An sure enough , last year Heinz had to withdraw its sponsorship of the second Green Shopping Day at the last minute amid a storm of publicity over its tuna fishing methods , which were allegedly killing dolphins .
4 The Association is grateful to British Gas for its sponsorship of the second edition of this publication which it had , with HCIMA , launched the previous year .
5 Univel Inc was down taking pictures for its scrapbook of the first editions of UnixWare coming off the production line last week .
6 The only factor which disturbs the markets moving towards each other in this way , as opposed to the parallel market doing all the moving , is the existence of the Bank of England in its lender of the last resort function .
7 Elegy is further accompanied ‘ by a diffused , resigned , melancholy sense of the passing of time , of the old order changing and yielding to a new one ’ ; while true of Beowulf and The Idylls of the King this is conspicuously truer of The Return of the King and its dissolution of the Third Age .
8 BP is to spend $340 million in developing its share of the first phase of the Mars oil and gas field in the Gulf of Mexico .
9 The first declaration he gave to Pineau to take back to France would almost certainly have disappointed resisters : its denunciation of the Third Republic was a little too sweeping for Pineau 's taste ( one has to remember that by this stage the bitter experience of Vichyism and Nazism was beginning to rehabilitate the reputation of republicanism in France ) , and it had almost nothing to say about social or economic reform .
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