Example sentences of "its [noun sg] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Therefore the simple conflict between accumulation and unproductive consumption which appears at the micro level may be transformed into its opposite at the macro level .
2 One main street , set roughly at right angles , ran north and south from it ; its northern arm , possibly Flavian in date , aimed at the southern end of the modern High Street where the south gate of the fortified centre was probably later established ; a slight shift towards the west in its alignment in the late second century may have coincided with the construction of the first defences .
3 And the Broadcasting Standards Council began its monitoring of the small screen with a warning from its chairman , Lord Rees-Mogg , that television producers should not impose their own values if they offended the viewing public .
4 It 's the second incident of its kind on the same stretch of motorway , in two days .
5 UAE troops joined around 1,000 troops from France 's Rapid Action Force ( FAR ) , navy and air force in a joint exercise on Feb. 22-27 ; codenamed " Little Fox " , it was the first of its kind between the two countries .
6 The treaty , the first of its kind between the Soviet Union and one of its former East European allies in the Warsaw Pact , committed the two sides to non-aggression and to consultation and co-operation over security matters .
7 In the first case of its kind since the Soviet Union 's accession to Interpol in 1990 , the Soviet authorities on March 10 allowed the extradition of a fugitive wanted in the United States in connection with a US$10,000,000 medical insurance fraud .
8 The shelling was described as the " first of its kind since the 1971 war " .
9 The restaurant was like many of its kind throughout the Soviet Union , although perhaps better cared for than most .
10 That experience proved useful when he worked with the Cipperfields organisation to help design , develop and construct a themed leisure facility in Jordan the first of its kind in the Middle East .
11 In the first ruling of its kind in the Soviet Union , a Moscow court on Oct. 12 sentenced Konstantin Smirnov-Ostashvili , a leader of the extreme Russian nationalist Pamyat organization , to two years in a labour camp for inciting racial hatred .
12 It was run by two balding , bespectacled men in their late thirties , neither of whom was called Largo , whose extensive knowledge of antiques had made it one of the most popular and profitable shops of its kind in the whole canton .
13 The military-style raid is believed to be the first of its kind in the white Cape Province settlement of King William 's Town .
14 Ray Bellringer , a national park spokesman , said it was the biggest event of its kind in the recorded history of the mountain .
15 It remains the major national learned society for British anthropologists and is without doubt the most prestigious body of its kind in the English-speaking world .
16 The Establishment has lost its heartland in the Conservative Party .
17 ‘ I 'll give you fifty to one the Jerry infantry is drinking its Schnapps in the front row of the stalls right now . ’
18 Seizing the opportunity offered by Compaq Computer Corp 's formal resignation from the Advanced Computing Environment initiative ( UX No 382 ) , the Santa Cruz Operation Inc , finally steeled itself to announce the suspension of all of its MIPS Computer Systems Inc development work last week — effectively tendering its resignation from the ACE crowd .
19 The Cabinet appointed in July 1990 [ see p. 37802 ] tendered its resignation after the general election held in January 1991 [ see p. 37948 ] .
20 The Mazowiecki government had tendered its resignation after the first round of the presidential elections , but parliament had initially refused to accept it .
21 You see , the Comer has changed its course since the third century .
22 Psychologists tend to focus on behaviour as the expression of certain psychological propensities while sociologists tend to see human behaviour as shaped in its course by the social context of human life .
23 the jet held on its course by the steady pressure of an image
24 Although Nato and Warsaw Pact forces would be cut back under the terms of the Conventional Force Agreement now under negotiation in Vienna , each alliance would retain a military presence in its part of the German confederation .
25 British Gas South Western is committed to playing its part in the integrated national control network of gas supplies .
26 Explain to both students and organisations the role of work experience in personal development and its part in the planned programme .
27 But there seems little doubt that the psychoanalysts ' stress on the childhood roots of adult problems played its part in the general investigation of primitive roots which fills Sweeney Agonistes .
28 Since 7 January the 2nd Shock Army , the southernmost element of the Front , had been playing its part in the general Soviet counter-offensive by pushing northwards north-east of Novgorod , trying to pinch off the deep German salient across the Lovat River between Lake Ladoga and Lake Ilmen , and thus to help relieve Leningrad .
29 They still see Scotland as north Britain , an appendage that can be guaranteed to play its part in the Labour unionists ' drama of periodically legitimising long periods of Tory rule by brief interregnums of Labour control .
30 As we have seen , it was not just the anthropology which he read at the time of composition which played its part in the great works of the early 1920s .
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