Example sentences of "its [noun] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 The Mazowiecki government had tendered its resignation after the first round of the presidential elections , but parliament had initially refused to accept it .
2 Sir Peter Holmes , Shell 's chairman who admitted that he was ‘ astonished ’ to discover that the irregularities had occurred through an associate company failing to follow strict rules against speculative dealing , said that he expected any further exposure to be limited to a £65 million charge which the company would take in its accounts for the first quarter of 1993 .
3 The Empire reached its zenith after the First World War with the acquisition of former German colonies in Africa and with the addition of League of Nations mandates to govern parts of the old Ottoman Empire in the Middle East — Palestine , Jordan and Iraq .
4 Other measures were announced which it was hoped would enable the Russian government to balance its budget in the first quarter of 1992 .
5 UN nuclear weapons expert Maurizio Zeffirero declared on Dec. 8 , following an inspection visit to Iraq , that the government had expressed its willingness for the first time to open discussions regarding foreign suppliers of its nuclear weapons programme .
6 Confidence has risen most in Britain , where signs of economic recovery helped net optimism to 42% , more than twice its level in the first quarter .
7 The hotel has targeted its occupancy for the first year at 55 per cent , which , Mr Nitschke says , is realistic .
8 Bonhams has announced that its turnover from the first quarter of 1992 is 34 per cent up compared with the same quarter of 1991 .
9 The terrace parterre is to be restored to match its appearance during its heyday before the First World War , and an extensive programme of tree planting is under way to replace the losses of recent years .
10 THE new government had to draft in a hasty replacement to lead its delegation to the first annual meeting of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development following the election defeat of overseas development minister Lynda Chalker .
11 The family historian who visits such a place would find it hard to believe that it was once the home of a mere waggoner if he had not seen old photographs that show its condition before the First World War .
12 All three are [ in different degrees ] illusions , which make the weight of life bearable — to those of sufficient stature to feel its weight in the first place .
13 And in case anyone thought that that was the end of the bad news , the company says it expects that its revenue for the first quarter to September 27 will be below analysts ' expectations and that it will incur a loss for the quarter .
14 Having formed the first phrase and its complement as the first sentence of our theme , we must turn to the problem of what to do in the second sentence .
15 Intergraph Corp , Huntsville , Alabama warns that while it has not yet closed its books for the first quarter , preliminary estimates indicate that turnover will be lower than expected at between $280m and $285m , and that all geographic segments were below expectations for the quarter , and price reductions on older products combined with lower sales volume resulted in reduced gross margins ; the company expects a loss from operations excluding restructuring charges of $8m to $10m or $0.11 to $0.13 per share and restructuring charges and non-operating items during the quarter will increase the losses by an additional three cents a share .
16 The party as a whole proved the reality of its patriotism from the first days of the war , and the logic of this continuation from peacetime was underlined by the speed with which Ulster Unionists rallied to the flag in 1914 , and the gallantry with which they died on the Somme in 1916 .
17 Although REM sleep time was reduced , its proportion of the first 5.5 hours sleep was increased in the 5.5-hour sleep condition .
18 Although ‘ Ave verum corpus ’ was evidently composed well before its publication in the first book of Gradualia ( 1605 ) , it barely circulated in manuscript ( there are only two handwritten sources ) , and there is no evidence to show that it was singled out for special attention in Catholic households .
19 The completed cycle was screened in its entirety for the first time at the Venice Festival this autumn .
20 The music ranges from the familiar to the unknown — from an early opera played in its entirety for the first time to a unique performance of The Messiah where you can actually join in the singing .
21 This trailblazing series is currently on show at the National Portrait Gallery in its entirety for the first time since 1935 , together with more conventional colour portraits of John Gielgud , Vivien Leigh , the Mountbattens and Lisa Maugham , and black-and-white work from the later years .
22 This material has recently ( 1978 ) been published in its entirety for the first time , but many problems remain unsolved — or insoluble .
23 Univel Inc was down taking pictures for its scrapbook of the first editions of UnixWare coming off the production line last week .
24 In a review of its work over the first ten years , its chairman , Lord Justice Sellers , claimed that the two institutions ‘ worked side by side in complete harmony and with some mutual assistance ’ .
25 Steel benefited from major government loans , accounting for half its borrowing during the first five-year plan .
26 But her pulses had started their racing , her heart its pounding at the first sight of him , her stomach lurching , as it always did , clean over and then , for hours afterwards , refusing to be still .
27 Environmentalists dubbed it a failure for this reason , but acknowledged its importance as the first occasion on which all major world governments had agreed that global warming was a reality .
28 Hand signals can be developed to a greater extent to train a dog which is deaf , although there is always the problem of attracting its attention in the first instance , particularly if it runs off .
29 BP is to spend $340 million in developing its share of the first phase of the Mars oil and gas field in the Gulf of Mexico .
30 Originally a Roman colony , legend has it that it takes its name from the first lord of its castle Rufus , Marquis of Obertenghi , who had thick red hair , or , perhaps more romantically , that it is named after the sunset hues which turn the mountain here from a gentle rose to red each evening .
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