Example sentences of "well [vb infin] to a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But according to your ability and initiative , you could well transfer to a production company or become a producer yourself .
2 Moreover , if we make indiscriminate use of drafting , if it is invariably or artificially imposed , it may well lead to a child 's interest in writing declining .
3 Moreover , an inconclusive rule might well lead to a preference for uncertainty , if that can be positively exploited .
4 The framework of support so established might well lead to a partnership between schools and LEAs which gives more effective support to those working within the institution .
5 Erm , and therefore it feels it would be disingenuous of it to support the principle at this stage , it may well lead to a situation where were encouraging the County to go down a particular route , but only to get to the very end of it for us to pull the rug from beneath the County 's feet .
6 When asked if it was the Ministry 's intention to sell the aircraft in an airworthy condition , the spokesman explained that the aircraft was airworthy , but felt there was a good chance it may well go to a museum who would want to road the airframe away .
7 Odium and opprobrium may well attach to a brother who ruins another brother by such guile . ’
8 A desperate prisoner , knowing perfectly well what is expected of him may well offer to a chaplain or prison visitor any amount of repentance ; he might even undertake a religious conversion .
9 If this is a negative or carping attitude towards new- fangled theories the trainee 's performance , instead of improving , may well deteriorate to a point below that individual 's pre-course standard . ’
10 You might just as well say to a publisher , should you take his advance royalties ! "
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