Example sentences of "well [vb base] [pron] for [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well thank you for your comments anyway erm we 'll get er back to our next er item er , on the agenda .
2 Er , well thank you for your offer of help it is , er i i i i it 's er er clearly a very difficult issue , there are erm , there are important issues of principle er , in , er conflicting directions it is not an easy one and erm er er er I do n't er , really know that there is anything er that , er any shareholder of Pearsons is able to do about it .
3 Well thank you for your company this morning madam .
4 Well thank you for your money I mean that 's
5 Okay , well thank you for your comments , if anybody else wants to join in on that discussion do ring now , three double one , one double one .
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