Example sentences of "well [vb pp] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was accepted as a general practice that children would be better educated in the sending country after the age of seven .
2 The question of equity can be better addressed in the absence of administrative border constraints .
3 In November 1987 , Silviu Brucan compared Ceauşescu 's rule unfavourably with the 1960s when ‘ the Party could successfully control the mass of the workers because … a turn for the better occurred in the standard of living in almost three million peasants who joined the urban industrial workforce . ’
4 To take a rather obvious example , women 's liberation today is better understood in the light of its ambient social and economic circumstances than as the inevitable culmination of the nineteenth-century suffragette movement .
5 There is nothing in the present that can not be better understood in the light of its historical context and origins ; ii ) to arouse interest in the past .
6 Mr Shrager is better known in the City .
7 After all SHE was the newcomer , and HE had starred alongside Michael J Fox in Bright Lights , Big City , and was better known in the movie-world .
8 You would have thought that there was no one better fitted in the world to understand these pleas than the Collector .
9 He himself is much better recorded in the studio performance but the new one has a certain documentary value , for it shows him 14 years later still singing the part magnificently , still ( for example ) achieving that remarkable effect at the climax of ‘ Or son sei mesi ’ when , by his phrasingover , the shame ( ‘ vergogna ’ ) becomes the agony ( ‘ ahime ’ ) , and now ( at a time when it must be tempting to broaden baritonally ) deliberately sharpening the edge and brightness of his tenor .
10 Men were slightly better informed in the sample group of 100 .
11 The beach is well developed in the south-west of the island between Easdale and Cuan Sound , where the coast is very exposed to the south-west ( Fig 8.10 ) , i.e. in a position where the beach would certainly be expected .
12 Drainage patterns are very well developed in the upland areas of northern and western Britain which form the most favourable areas for metalliferous mineral exploration .
13 One teacher I interviewed in my middle school study , for instance , felt she had not been well treated in the reorganization to a middle school set-up and had resisted the head 's attempts at change ‘ We do n't , some of us do n't change so easily ! ’
14 The UK group 's profit is largely due to the Popins manufacturing requirements planning software , ‘ which is well situated in the market , ’ he said .
15 Yesterday 's trade figures were well received in the City .
16 He was well placed in the cotton industry and it gave him a generous income ; therefore it had to take precedence , but the monotony of arriving at the same place at the same time every day now bored him as much as had the mechanical frenzy of the bobbins when he arrived .
17 This skill is well summarized in the saying : Farm in front of your rubbish ; and a Blaxhall farmer , W. A. Peake , explained to me what was behind it :
18 The steam events were well reported in the Press and it would be difficult to add to those reports in matters of detail .
19 Whereas very many Empiricks and unskilful and ignorant Men … do abide in our City of London … which are not well instructed in the Art of Mystery of Apothecaries , but … do make and compound many unwholesome , hurtful , deceiptful , corrupt and dangerous medicines and the same do sell … and daily transmit … to the great peril and daily hazard of the lives of our subjects …
20 Corporate lawyers are well versed in the marking up of documents for reading so it is quite useful to arrange for a junior member of the lawyer team to undertake the initial mark up .
21 An engineer may be well versed in the technique of value engineering ; it includes methods of generating the creative discontinuity .
22 Perhaps the contributor to the " Glasgow Geography " in 1825 writing of the Scottish peasant was correct when he said , " By the time he has reached the age of ten years , he has by heart , as it is called , the whole Catechism , the metrical version of the Psalms , and is pretty well versed in the Bible … and by the time he arrives at the years of maturity , to the " big ha' Bible once his father 's pride , and the Westminster Confession of Faith , he has added Pool , Henry 's Commentary , Gillespie 's Aaron 's Rod Blossoming , the Faithful Contendings of the Church of Scotland , Boston 's Fourfold State , and if he can afford them the works of Jonathan Edwards . "
23 His published sermons reveal a man who was well versed in the Bible rather than in classical learning , with a clear and direct message to his audience .
24 But it is a sign of the strong feelings provoked by this issue , as well as the ideological differences about the significance of the mothering role , that although all three authors are well versed in the research , they reach such different conclusions .
25 Harry Dodson and his wife are well versed in the language of flowers , and have made wedding bouquets professionally for a good long time : they made the beautiful posies for the Victorian wedding in the forthcoming television series The Victorian Flower Garden .
26 You indicated that er in a sense the strike became well organized in the sense it had a great deal of support erm both moral and material and presumably financial .
27 Now that the partisans were well organized in the Province of Parma they committed many acts of sabotage .
28 The altering of road design to reduce speeds is well seen in the Altländerstrasse , a distributor road west of the town centre .
29 Nor does the issue of life and death rest only with your estate , as we have well seen in the fate of those earls lately in dispute with the king 's Grace who fell into the hands of certain lawless gatherings of commoners , and were shortly done to death .
30 Well connected in the city and an enthusiastic supporter of the Conservative party — he is the Librarian at the Carlton Club — Silverman 's professional career began with Procter & Gamble .
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