Example sentences of "two [noun pl] at a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Because I 'm a flibbertigibbet Gemini , unable to settle to any one thing for longer than two minutes at a time , ’ Candy returned comfortably , ‘ whereas you , my darling Rory , are a luxury-loving Leo . ’
2 That she 'd lost the ability to concentrate on anything longer than two minutes at a time ?
3 They separated at the corner of Friday and Fish Streets , agreeing to meet within two hours at a tavern outside Aldgate on the Mile End Road .
4 He 's not sleeping for more than two hours at a time at the moment .
5 What we 've got for the first time I suspect , since any of you joined this company and you take the experience over there as well , is that the time you spend two days together , and actually find out what it is that makes you go and I do n't suppose that happens often , , dropped you off the boat together for more than two hours at a time .
6 Yeah cos if it was as bad as he said it was , I mean he would only stand up for one or two hours at a time , whereas he 'd been up since nine , he was still sitting up at one o'clock when I arrived there
7 Two marmosets at a research centre in Harrow , London , have died of bovine spongiform encephalopathy ( BSE ) — " mad cow disease " , a fatal degenerative disease of the nervous system .
8 This was due to the impossibility of conveying such goods between the two cities at a time when the railways could not cope with grain supplies coming into Saratov .
9 As for the children of the unskilled workers , relatively few of them secured entry in the first place , and even those tended to do badly : only one in twenty survived to enter for two subjects at A level .
10 Mothers and babies are suitable cases for treatment because they tend to stay in one place , there are only two subjects at a time , and their behaviour together is relatively stereotyped and uncomplicated .
11 The time for service may be extended by two months at a time , before the two months expire , or even afterwards in the court 's discretion ( Ord 43 , r 6(3) applying and modifying Ord 7 , r 20 ) .
12 He turns to the others and gives the good news : ‘ We going to need two guards at a time , starting now .
13 Some companies make lifts that fit on to curved stairways or have automatic platforms that bridge the difference between the two steps at a platform landing .
14 He loped upstairs two steps at a time .
15 Yelling the news to Douglas , who was swording with Sir Walter Comyn , Ramsay dashed through the struggling mass of men back for the stairway , Down he raced , two steps at a time , and out again into the night .
16 Anna stayed in the paddock , and her only contact with people was when she was chased into a yard and chute for worming and branding , or else had two legs at a time strapped up to facilitate an occasional trimming of her hooves .
17 So do they go up did they all go along two squares at a time ?
18 Do these all go up two squares at a time ?
19 Right you started so you 're going up in hundreds , it 's two squares at a time , but only one hundred for each two squares .
20 You 're going up two squares at a time and you 're going one two three and it 's usually when you get to around where I tend to do it is erm sort of eight and ten .
21 Fold back the ear flap , and briskly pull out one or two hairs at a time , in the direction of growth .
22 They probably have three riders on call in case one goes sick or gets delayed or is already on a job but I 'll bet they never deal with more than two companies at a time .
23 The SongWright music screen shows only two lines at a time .
24 Department officials had been monitoring the convoy which spent about two weeks at a roadside halt near Ardglass before slipping into Downpatrick overnight .
25 Aged thirteen , he spent two years at a Cardiff school , where he learned English , and then trained as an electrician .
26 Educated at Leeds Grammar School , he graduated in classics and divinity at Trinity College , Dublin , in 1904 , after which he taught for two years at a school in West Kirby in Liverpool .
27 I ran a fête , two years at a trot , some time back now , though , it was .
28 So basically what you , you , what you would be likely to do is rip o rip off the system completely for two years at a time
29 However , the effect did not last for more than two days at a time because Owen 's diet was still too high in white sugar and chemical additives .
30 The walk can be done all in one go or in sections — for many it might be easier to tackle two days at a time at the weekends .
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