Example sentences of "two [noun] [adv] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And why is why is going upside down for two minutes twice a day gon na make it grow again ?
2 The time allotted in different local education authorities for solving the kinds of issue described above ranged from no time at all , through one day every term , two hours once a month , to one afternoon , and in one case a whole day each week .
3 Two hours more a week ?
4 Yes , that one 's two tablets twice a day and that 's for the water test .
5 bu , you take that to , er two tablets twice a day that 's it .
6 Two tablets twice a day .
7 It is possible the discovery could be part of Middle Eastern terrorism — two months ago a terrorist was blown up by his own bomb in a London hotel in an incident later linked to the Satanic Verses affair .
8 Less than two months ago a Thai A310 also smashed into a mountain near Katmandu , killing 113 .
9 But no one who thought so would treat the suggestion as an argument that the king can now , as the rules stand , move two steps once a game .
10 They do so normally alongside another approach , the hope being that by putting the two ingredients together a synthesis will appear .
11 Two weeks ago a mother was seriously hurt in a crash while taking her three children to school on the A167 at Ferryhill .
12 ‘ When Andy Saville broke his arm after signing two weeks ago a lot of people thought we would give up , but we pushed the boat out and bought John Thomas .
13 Two weeks later a Jaguar crashed into the sea off Nairn , though the pilot ejected in time .
14 But two weeks later a friend in the motor trade serviced it for him and proclaimed the car to be in sound condition and a good deal .
15 Two weeks later a letter arrived from the solicitors for the archdiocese providing the assurance that we sought .
16 While visiting Yugoslavia in those more happy days of some two years ago a member of the Swanage Railway noted the existence of a similar machine and reckoned that conversion would not be too difficult .
17 At this mine two years ago a man was buried and later died after a massive roof fall in an extended cut section .
18 Two years ago a report by ERL , a British consultancy firm , said there were two possibilities : direct charges on those using the plant , or an indirect levy , a tax on chemicals , say .
19 About erm eighteen months , two years ago a report was published , the Cockroft Report , this is the same Sir Wilfred Cockroft who 's chairing the Examination erm Council , which looked into the teaching of mathematics at all level in the country and it was an extremely good report and a lot has followed from it .
20 TWO years ago a group of keen anglers from at Hull teamed up with employees from a local company , , for informal and friendly fishing matches .
21 Last season they won the junior Grand Slam and overwhelmed England 32–3 at Fylde , while two years ago a side containing Scott Gibbs and Neil Jenkins won 12–6 at Wrexham .
22 United Kingdom confectionery trade is worth two point six billion pounds , billion , and two years ago a figure that really astonished me when I saw it was that the total of all money that was given to development charities in the United Kingdom , including CAFOD , Christian Aid and Oxfam was equal to what Britain spent on one product made in York and that 's KitKat .
23 But US confidence in dealing with Russia was bolstered soon afterwards by the use of the atomic bomb to defeat Japan , and in the two years following a breakdown in East-West relations occurred which , with the decline of Britain to secondary status , left Europe divided between American and Soviet spheres of influence .
24 TWO days later a burglar was shot dead outside their room at night .
25 Two days later a figurehead president , Mr Johan Kraag , was sworn in with , as prime minister , Jules Wijdenbosch , leader of Mr Bouterse 's party ( which has only three seats in the 51-seat national assembly ) .
26 Two days later a letter appeared in the Signal ( signed ‘ Fiat Justitia ’ ) suggesting that Denry , as some reward for his public spirit , ought to be the next mayor of Bursley . ’
27 But the past could raise its head in other ways , he realized , when two days later a letter arrived with a London postmark , bringing him news of the most extraordinary nature .
28 On the following Tuesday he had tickets for the much-acclaimed Lear at the National , and then two days later a seat in the stalls for the revival of Turandot at the Coliseum .
29 Two days later a bomb exploded in an SLA controlled village , killing the mayor .
30 Even more remarkably , two days later a requiem for Zita was held in St Matthew 's church in Budapest .
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