Example sentences of "then you [vb base] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 What 's going on all around you so then you concentrate on the ball again .
2 ag again that 's why I do n't want you to be heavy cos I do n't want say to say oh you know you 've brought us you know , fifteen pages and we worked our way through it and then you know at the end of the day we do all of it , yeah
3 And then you get into the situations apparently where erm people decide after they 've had sex
4 You , you , you build this up , now , and then you get to the point where you 're going to say to yourself , well , do we have to do anything about it ?
5 When it 's your child you 've watched fight for her life and then you get to the stage where she 's reached one .
6 Now on Green , now we go , we 've come along from the top of Street right along Road , the toy shop then you get to the Kings Arms and on the other side of the road there was another pub and I ca n't remember the name of it , then there was the fish shop and then the Liberal Club then the pork butchers you 'd think they were all full of meat .
7 I mean they should be in the ruddy kitchen I suppose , but then you get to the stage where it 's
8 It 's like when you piss and it 's really bad , it 's really bad and then you get to the toilet and it 's that 's why I like that bit in , have you seen A League of Their Own ?
9 and then you get in the morning
10 Then you hide in the bushes .
11 Then when you 've all found a good combination , you do it for a while , then you turn on the tape machine …
12 You think it ca n't be as bad as all that , and then you turn on the radio and it is .
13 Erm I think bro broadly , certainly by the time you 've got through to the later spring th th there is y yes I mean i in a sense there are sort of three areas if you like but , but very broadly the areas which had not been taken over yet i is very much a slower process of consolidation and then you wait for the next rule .
14 when you think about it , it 's wrong you 're paying tax on your wages at source and then you go to the shops and you 've got to pay tax on your goods again
15 be any point , huh , if they , cos the thing is if you go to all those lectures and then , because you 're allowed to go to an employer of what you wan na be , you see they talk to you about it and they , and then you go on the computers
16 I was born a poor black boy down in Mississippi , out in Alabama and he 's like a jet white ai n't he ? and he says I always felt different cos all the other kids they just sit there and they 'd be tapping their feet and then you go onto the oh and they 're getting the old rhythm going , like they do and he 'd be going like I all so different I could n't quite do this and he used to get in look , and er
17 And if you go up from Bristol on from here you go up the motorway to Bristol and then you go along the M four to London well north of Bristol , up where the River Severn gets quite narrow and can be bridged is a city called Gloucester and Cheltenham is just inland from Gloucester .
18 I c I , I tell this story cos I think it illustrates it very much , I expect most of you have er if you have n't been you 've heard of Dale in Derbyshire , and it 's this river with a , a lovely walk either side of the river , you walk along the side and then you come to the point where there 's a bend in the river and there 's these gorgeous great enormous stepping stones .
19 But then you come to the problem , erm , because for ninety four five , erm , the formula suggests that we would need less staff , that might seem a bit odd but the , the reason is that if you do indeed bring your target times down , then the amount of work which your passing over into the next year is er considerably less , erm than the amount of work which you passed over into this year ,
20 That was er coming down from Street you come to then you come to the grocers and was next- door there
21 the hotel then you come to the shops , on the left hand side about the third shop along
22 I tend to forget , me , honest to god I think I 've plenty and then you come to the you say oh god you know it 's never mind .
23 and then you look at the normal lights
24 you say oh yes you can have it and then you look on the training and it 's not there
25 But you tend to think that 's what a girl should look like — blonde hair and blue eyes — and then you look in the mirror and you 've got short Afro hair , and that 's when you maybe start thinking that 's the only way to be .
26 ‘ I could n't take it seriously at first because it seemed so ridiculous , but then you look in the statute book and realise the maximum penalty for this is seven years .
27 Sylvia Plath once said that a story should begin with your main character up a ( metaphorical ) apple tree being pelted by someone — and then you deal with the problems arising .
28 It says things like impartial advice , does n't it for mortgages , erm in the Nottingham and the Derby paper , and then you read at the bottom it says erm an appointed representative of Legal and General .
29 The skiing arrangement is simple : you take the cablecar from the bottom to the top , then you ski from the top to the bottom .
30 When you know what you are trying to convey , then you think about the best possible or the most exciting or exhilarating way of communicating this .
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