Example sentences of "then i would [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And he added : ‘ If we get a result against Garvey on Wednesday night , then I would fancy our chances in a one-off ‘ cup final ’ situation in Belfast on Saturday . ’
2 I said to the manager , Ghiringhelli , who was already a great personal friend , that it was important for me to go , but if it was not possible then I would forget it .
3 And then before eight o'clock then I would make myself a big meal , I 'd have a , a huge salad I 'd do tinned potatoes cos they were , on this diet tinned potatoes are n't fattening
4 ‘ When I had the woman trussed up like you are , Ingrid , then I would inspect her sex .
5 Then I would announce my arrival to the university authorities .
6 ‘ If , God help us , the situation develops in such a way that the only service I could render my country would be to do it [ accept the presidency ] , then I would do it , ’ Mr Havel said .
7 However , if it gets bottomless then I would think everyone will be pulling out in hordes . ’
8 If you are going to eat al fresco then I would give you two tips .
9 If there is a cancer personality , then I would suggest it is a person who lacked love in infancy , whose sense of inadequacy was high , who harboured their resentments without seeing a way of changing their situation — even in their mind — and who felt badly done by .
10 I was hoping that we could actually tease out as part of the discussion , whether there is erm a positive way forward if if we if you are minded if we are minded to recommend the new settlement , then I would hope we would tease out during the course of this discussion erm the preferred or a preferred host authority for this new settlement .
11 BOLA council member Peter Smith , one of the bookmakers hit , said : ‘ If this happened again then I would bring it to BOLA 's attention . ’
12 As you seem truly sorry and regret what you did , then I would advise you not to tell your wife , because once you 've told her , you ca n't untell her .
13 As you seem truly sorry and regret what you did , then I would advise you not to tell your wife , because once you 've told her , you ca n't untell her .
14 So I would venture to suggest that if I 'm interviewing you as the Environmental Health Officer for a particular council on a council matter , then I would expect you to only speak on behalf of the council — unless I asked you whether your professional body was happy with your council 's policy .
15 Then I would tell myself such ideas were unreasonable : why would an American half-poet want to betray me to any government agency ?
16 When I did find her , she always managed to evade me like a will-o'-the-wisp , and then I would lose her again .
17 If your only answer is to pour more money on the problem then I would direct your attention to the parlous condition of other more deserving sectors of our society .
18 He said it would just be until I got myself sorted out , and then I would get him back straight away .
19 If I really believed then I would know they were in heaven , in eternal life , and I should be so glad about that .
20 Then I would like it fine for you to advise me how I am to repaint my ceilings , Doctor !
21 If Nick Serota can raise the money for his plans then I would support them , provided the bulk of the historic British collection was on display .
22 And it would just completely throw the lesson , and then I would find myself repeating it for them , and in one lesson I must have done that about three times , and I did n't make enough fuss to get those kids to the lesson on time .
23 And if infants are baptised , as they are in our church , then I would find it very very difficult to deny a child , to come to communion .
24 But then I would read it , so if I was in the theatre I would read that so I would know that
25 But then I would see her shopping in the area .
26 Then I would report it .
27 If you find that you worry about the imagined outcome of the bout and fear the worst or if you have a racing pulse , then I would say you are over-aroused and in danger of throwing everything away .
28 And er and then I 'd load it up into the tubs and tram it out into the gate .
29 Well it was a town then but since then it 's been made a city , you see , and I got to know all kinds of people and one gentleman came in there , used to come every evening and write a book and er , I used to look after him if I happened to be that end and er , you see , and then he 'd say , oh just an exchange you know about the weather and just in general thing and then I 'd leave him and he 'd get on with his writing and one day he said to me .
30 If you do n't think you can do it , then I 'd leave it blank if I were you , cos otherwise you 're telling fibs are n't you ?
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