Example sentences of "then the [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If we let X stand for any one of the sets X , Q , R , C , Z[x] , etc. mentioned in Chapter 1 , then the operations of addition and multiplication defined on X may be described as binary operations on X in that , to each pair of elements of X , both + and .
2 But then the columns of moulding moved in soundlessly and it was n't a tent after all .
3 Then the reams of drug anecdotes stop , and a highly confused sense of responsibility ambles in , concentrated on the cosily strung-out ‘ My Drug Buddy ’ .
4 So too in memory research ; if an animal can not be shown to have learned except by changing its behaviour and this change in behaviour can only be induced by some form of stress or constraint , then the changes in biochemistry that one finds in relation to the learning must include the changes in relation to the stress — including all the types of neuromodulators discussed in the last chapter .
5 However , they are the background to what follows — if ‘ social being determines social consciousness ’ , then the changes in experience which derive from the reordering of production on Tyne side have profound significance .
6 5.1 If at any time before completion of the Lease the Tenant ( being an individual ) dies or has a receiving order made against him or is adjudicated bankrupt or ( being a company ) has a petition presented for its winding up or goes into liquidation or ( in either case ) enters into a composition with his or its creditors then the provisions of clause 5.4 shall have effect immediately
7 5.2.2 the Tenant 's Certificate has not been issued by the expiry of the period of immediately following the Possession Date then the provisions of clause 5.4 shall have effect immediately upon the expiry of the relevant period ( or upon the expiry of such extended period as the parties may within the relevant period agree in writing )
8 5.3 If at any time there has been any [ material ] noncompliance by the Landlord with any of [ its ] obligations under clause 2 or by the Tenant with any of [ its ] obligations under clause 3 and such default shall continue for or shall not be remedied to the [ reasonable ] satisfaction of the party not in default within [ 15 ] working days ( time being of the essence ) after service on the party in default by the other part of a notice specifying the default and invoking the provisions of this clause then the provisions of clause 5.4 shall have effect immediately upon the expiry of the relevant period
9 Once an unlawful removal has been established within the meaning of article 3 of the Convention , then the provisions of article 12 come into operation .
10 possession and enjoyment of the property is not bona fide assumed by the donee at or before the beginning of the relevant period ( in theory therefore , if the donee assumes this late , the provisions will be offended ) ; or 2. at any time in the relevant period the property is not enjoyed to the entire exclusion , or virtually to the entire exclusion , of the donor and of any benefit to him by contract or otherwise then the provisions of Finance Act 1986 , s102 will apply .
11 Then the forces of Chaos returned once more , and the silver horns summoned Aenarion again to battle .
12 The Elves knew that they could barely spare a single warrior from their forces and yet they knew that if mankind failed then the forces of Chaos in the Old World would be free to aid the Dark Elves .
13 If post cold-war Europe is not to be violent and conflictual then the sources of rivalry and mistrust need to be addressed head-on .
14 If the raw material of most of these ergs has been provided by other agencies , as differences in character between the surface wind-worked material and the sand at depth seem to indicate , then the locations of desert dunes , coastal dunes and periglacial dunes all seem to depend on the concentration of sand provided by some.other factor .
15 The focus of change was organisational arrangements , in the sanguine belief that if the framework of the school was altered then the processes of education which it enshrined would also alter to support a strong definition of equality of opportunity .
16 Why then the controls on entry ?
17 In window boxes plant grape hyacinths , dwarf daffodils or dwarf tulips first and then the pansies on top .
18 If he has not used a disclaimer or has not used an adequate one , then the defences in section 24(1) will not be available to him ( paragraph 16–22 above ) .
19 If the outrage is confined to a few then the chances of success are small .
20 If both of the other main risk factors are present then the chances of heart attack can be increased eight times [ 4 ] .
21 ( If this is the result of company expansion then the chances of career opportunities are good )
22 If they depart in a state of gloom then the chances of improvement are cut by at least half .
23 Science aprons and then the shorts for athletics and the swimming costume .
24 Once the people had been chastised by God 's flail ( ‘ flagellum Dei ’ ) , with the English acting as the instruments of his punishment , then the days of victory would return .
25 If subjects rated these junctions as relatively low on accident estimates then the types of transfer bias which Poulton ( 1989 , p.238 ) describes could have caused the first few low judgments to inflate subsequent ones .
26 If he decides to call a meeting , then the proofs of debt must be sent with the notice convening the meeting .
27 If people have very little choice in matters of housing then the details of planning and the execution of policy become very important , and are not just to be left to the ‘ experts ’ .
28 Obviously , if the infant were deaf , blind , without tactile sensations , and totally immobile then the prospects for cognisance would not be very rosy ; but in this case the input systems would fail to function as well , so both constructivists and nativists ( those who believe in innate mental structures ) would predict failure .
29 Finally , if the relevant interests in the corporatist process are conflicting and balanced , then the opportunities for state elites to act autonomously are immensely enhanced .
30 Just over 100 years ago in 1890 , George Eastman , the bank clerk who turned his hobby into a world-wide business , bought the land in what were then the fields of North West London .
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