Example sentences of "then [adv prt] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Now you may want to leave everything to your surviving spouse and then on to the children , that 's natural .
2 UCCA then have to process it , they create a computer record , they photocopy it , and pass those papers then on to the universities .
3 Thus , one could take a random sample of the battalions first and then on through the companies and platoons until the actual individual soldiers were sampled only from a limited number of platoons instead of from the whole brigade .
4 Where the due diligence is to be on a major scale , then along with the accountants and solicitors involved , there may be other professionals , including insurance brokers , chartered surveyors , management consultants , patent and trade-mark agents , environmental consultants , actuaries , credit reference agencies , and even a merchant banker .
5 Off then down to the bakers for another chat with the ladies .
6 To help the casualty get the tow rope aboard the lifeboat was manoeuvred ahead , and then down across the bows of the yacht .
7 The well worn paths around a sett lead from the currently used exits to nearby dung pits , and then off towards the badgers ' feeding grounds in fields or gardens .
8 We are then off into the players lounge for a few beers beforehand , then a few more after .
9 He looked at the still slightly smoking hole in the couch , just beside where he 'd sat , then up at the holes in the ceiling .
10 Mandeville stared into the darkness then up at the rooks cawing around us .
11 Go right and fall down , go left and push the crate right onto the button , go left to a wall , duck down and crawl under it , go left and fall down , go right , fall down and collect the main tape deck , go right , then up on the platforms , right , down , and collect the battery , push the crate left and go up on the lift , go left to a button , then jump two platforms to your right , and then onto the platform to your left , push the crate down onto the button and fall down , go up on the lift , then right to the next lift , go up the passage on the lift and ledge , and then go left along the top .
12 We walked here through the gardens and the woods , past the hill where Andy and I lay in the sunlight all those summers ago , into the little glen , then up through the bushes and the dead auburn wreckage of the ferns , to the trees at the summit of the small hill .
13 Like a fog moving in from the sea the silence swept toward the back of the room and then up into the balconies .
14 They drove north out of Burford , down over the old packhorse-bridge across the river Windrush , then up into the hills beyond .
15 Then back to the ankles again .
16 She schooled him on the lunge and in a fenced paddock over jumps , and then out in the fields and then out on the marshes , accompanying him on her own eventer and leading him over ditches and fences .
17 Well the earnings of course went into the business we 'd er There was Dad , he 'd retired then out of the pits , early .
18 Gently smooth the fabric on to the card starting from the centre and then out towards the edges .
19 Finding the courtyard full , latecomers were taking up their stations in perfectly straight ranks first on the steps , then in the roads leading up to the mosque , then out in the gardens and bazaars beyond .
20 She schooled him on the lunge and in a fenced paddock over jumps , and then out in the fields and then out on the marshes , accompanying him on her own eventer and leading him over ditches and fences .
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