Example sentences of "then [vb infin] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And the idea of this technique is you take er a erm a chamber which is split into two compartments by a teflon partition , shown here , you fill the two compartments with an aqueous solution , okay , and you can then paint across a small hole in this Teflon partition a solution of phospholipids in a solvent , for example endecaine and when these phospholipids are painted across the er solv the er the small hole in the Teflon partition the solvent collects , here I 've magnified it , collects around er the the edges of the hole , and leaves you with a what turns out to be a simple bilayer , a phospholipid bilayer .
2 The other party would then win at a subsequent election , enter office and largely undo the work of its predecessor , implementing instead its own program .
3 6. college student counsellors who have been specially trained to talk you through your problem and who may then refer to a specialized agency that can offer you help , at minimum disruption to your course of studies .
4 The simplest scheme of inheritance is that for one pair of genes , controlling one pair of traits ; the traits will then segregate in a 3:1 ratio in the second generation .
5 While Aborigines may not appear an obvious choice of topic for a viewdata search , the teacher nevertheless found that the tourist information on Australia not only provided some useful background material , but could be used to obtain travel brochures in quantity which the pupils could then use as a visual source .
6 In the latter case , the program will then terminate with a suitable message .
7 However , the difference is that the powers of disposal in clause 4 will then stem from a Labour Government who have a strong commitment to expand collections rather than to freeze acquisition funds .
8 They can then apply for a further 24-hour extension but after that they must charge or release the pair .
9 It will then feed into a 22-km-long canal — some 25 metres wide and of an open , trapezoidal cross-section — running east to the Judean foothills .
10 She would then go into a secret hiding place that only her family knew about .
11 In e-mail systems it is possible to receive a number of related messages from different people on screen , to then go into a statistical package and do some calculations , and on the basis of this come to a decision which one communicates to a different set of people .
12 It will then switch to a new design , which is yet to be decided .
13 Such learning would then interfere with a subsequent attempt to teach the subject a taste-poison association .
14 We must then continue with a rolling programme of reform that takes us away from the narrow concept of notional rents .
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