Example sentences of "then [vb base] into [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Stand for 2 hours and then filter into a dark storage bottle .
2 But even then research into the old approved schools showed children who experienced them had a reconviction rate 49 per cent higher than would otherwise have been expected from their characteristics and records .
3 Any reader who wishes to pursue the concepts further and obtain a more complete understanding should first explore the main textbooks on the subject , ie by Peter Checkland and Brian Wilson , and then delve into the many others that examine systems ideas , some of which are given in the list of references .
4 With the Molecular Spreadsheet linking SYBYL/NMR TRIAD , SYBYL/3DB , and the entire SYBYL computer-aided molecular design and analysis program , TRIPOS has established the path for today 's researcher to obtain data , store and search in three dimensions and then flow into a wide range of molecular modelling and analysis tools to produce useful information .
5 What will tend to happen is for example , erm , in my section to deal with public courses , I would have information about the venues that I 'm going to use this year , I would have information about the mailing lists I 'm going to use , and information about the mailing lists of my office I 'm going to use , I would have prospects that I 'm going to call , you know , it 's all stuff that I would tend to plan out on a pad of paper and then insert into the particular data section , and refer to as I need to .
6 But I understand , and somebody here will no doubt correct me , that there is research to show that if you do actually walk about with a Sony Walkman , go to noisy discos , and then go into a noisy working environment , that by the age of thirty you can lose up to a third of your hearing .
7 Ken would start off telling us about his week and then go into the same — what I would call bumhole jokes , always the same about the problems he had with his bum .
8 Fold the whites into the cheese mixture , then turn into the prepared soufflé dish .
9 Cool until beginning to thicken , then spoon into a small greaseproof-paper icing bag .
10 They then migrate into the lymphoid tissue and eventually return to the blood circulation .
11 Following the learning curve of the exhibition hall , this project will await the gathering of a substantial fund , up to 1993 , and then move into a step-by-step series of achievable and self-contained goals leading to the completion of the overall project .
12 We then move into a short period of dramatic play ( or " busy time " as it is sometimes called ) in which each of the groups go about their business , which they greatly enjoy — until frustrations begin to creep in .
13 I am not going to write to the Colleges themselves one week with bureaucratic non-talk and then come into the clear the following week … if there is going to be an outburst I believe the sooner we get it over the better .
14 Stand in the hot water for two minutes , then step into the cold water and ‘ walk ’ on the stones .
15 Well as I 've s as I 've said earlier , erm what we 're basically saying is that because these erm sites do not perform a greenbelt function and er they then fall into a white land situation , that that white land is a is an area of land that becomes er at the end of the plan period in two thousand and six , er they are areas which could be considered development .
16 They then hop into an old Morris Minor or CV6 and drive home to the ‘ muesli belt ’ .
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