Example sentences of "then [verb] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He showed him the work of Karl Barth , who , though a Swiss , then taught at the Protestant faculty at Münster in North-West Germany , and was the leader of European reaction against the conventional liberal schools of divinity .
2 We saw the big white bird bank over the town , and then land at the new military airfield .
3 What a pity Roman did n't take after any of them , she thought privately , smiling as Christian reached out a rather sticky little hand and tugged the poppy-flowered silk sleeve of her sheath-dress , and then caught at the heavy blonde plait at her nape .
4 The first was that Stirling had promised his men that they would never be subjected to the indecisions of the Commando days when operation after operation was planned and then cancelled at the last minute .
5 I cried out in shock , then gaped at the empty stairs disappearing into blackness .
6 The Conwy pairing of Gary Macara and Roy Williams won the last two holes to level the match and then won at the 19th after Flint had put their tee shot out of bounds .
7 Say you were too tired this morning to remember to ask for permission to get up early to meet me and then woke at the right time and did n't want to let me down .
8 He laughed , then gestured at the surrounding farmland , which stretched away to the purple rise of the Preseli hills in the distance .
9 Culley went straight for Elliott , then sidestepped at the last minute , almost a leap backwards .
10 The Daurog sniffed its own finger , then licked at the glistening nail .
11 The carton and post are then buried at the required depth .
12 Can we then look at the reduced engine thrust erm this presumably would have a significant impact on combat performance , er why is there any change in the security situation that would warrant such a a relaxation ?
13 The probability that any particular animal is included in the study is thus 1÷3 × 1÷5 = 1÷15 , i.e. the probability of its herd being the one selected times the probability of that animal being then sampled at the secondary stage .
14 They then look at the average momentum particles carry transverse to the main direction of the jet : a higher transverse momentum means that the jet is more spread out .
15 If you must compare us with Paris , then look at the international visitors figures .
16 And then look at the conflicting interest , whereby the Consultants did their own report and did n't research into it .
17 Then look at the five-day exercise on the senses : this has enabled you to start writing with the knowledge you derive from your whole body , rather than merely the abstract , visual knowledge you adduce through your eyes .
18 If you find you are not ‘ in the right place ’ , then look at the written statements and ask PP to say them again now that you know what to expect .
19 Then look at the scowling look at Manchester United it makes me sick .
20 He bent to pick up the card he 'd been carrying then scowled at the deserted foyer .
21 Penry Vaughan studied her in brooding silence for a moment , then glanced at the forgotten tray on the bedside table .
22 I stood , eyes closed , congratulating myself on my newly found sanctity — then cursed at the sharp knock on the door .
23 The set-environment routine is then entered at the appropriate point .
24 I make no claim to supernatural powers , nor do I believe in guardian angels et cetera , but suddenly a vision of what is about to occur flashes vivid and uninvited , inside my forehead : the screams , the blood-covered sheets , Pa scurrying round the lawn snatching up the pink and white scraps , calling to his God then staring at the bloody morsels of his daughter as though they 're a jigsaw with missing bits .
25 So my Lord on the twenty sixth of September , a Thursday , contracts were exchanged er and that completion date was then fixed at the eighteen of October and those facts are admitted , there is no dispute about those .
26 We then looked at the remarkable record of capitalism in creating wealth and contrasted it with the present malaise which now seems to infect most economies of the Western world .
27 Looked at one house then looked at the next oh
28 She set everything out on the table , then stared at the blank sheet of paper in front of her and gave a small sigh .
29 The mandarin hesitated , then smiled at the American boy .
30 just say , you can take a poem home and learn it and then recite at the next lesson and then used it just
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