Example sentences of "some [noun pl] now [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some authorities now favour homes taking fifteen to twenty children , particularly for the difficult medium-term cases where the child is away from their natural home for more than a few months .
2 Some companies now offer career break schemes to give both women and men a longer period of time off — often up to five years .
3 Because of this , the tobacco industry has been legally obliged for some years now to print health warnings on packets .
4 Some universities now have deputy or pro vice chancellors , who chair major committees and stand in for the vice chancellor .
5 The video standards body , VESA , completed a local bus standard in 1992 and some machines now have VESA Locl Bus ( VL Bus ) slots .
6 Consequently , some Brazilians now regard BNDES as a relic of the 1950s , useful in its day but no longer a major instrument of development policy .
7 ( 12 ) Some doctors now advise couples who are having difficulty starting a family that both partners should give up smoking .
8 Some hospitals now offer Meptid instead of Pethidine .
9 Some analysts now believe profits may be closer to £12m in 1992 .
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