Example sentences of "some [prep] [pers pn] [vb mod] not " in BNC.

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1 And I 've tried to stay true to the original recipes given to me by members of my family , even though some of them wo n't be very popular — I think the brains and chitterlings [ pigs ' intestines ] recipes are of historical interest only ! ’
2 So some of them will be given and some of them wo n't and you 'll work out which ones can I fit in here opposite adjacent or that .
3 She tells her friends what to do and now some of them wo n't play with her .
4 But when you buy a council house it is slightly different in as much as some some of them wo n't have them .
5 erm , yes and some of the design houses will mark up what then handle some of them wo n't in terms of after the design stage and that I think is something that some people do n't always realise
6 One of the most positive aspects of Switchboard that I 've seen over the past seven years , apart from the callers , has been the way that many of its members have continuously struggled to put their politics and convictions about gay and other rights into practice ( though some of them might not care to put it that way ) and the strength that working on it has given some people to do so elsewhere .
7 ‘ Although , I agree , some of them might not think it very appropriate .
8 And what she did not know was that she had even more lessons to learn — and that some of them might not be pleasant .
9 It was an awe-inspiring sight to stand in the dusk outside the office , watching and listening to the boys going out on what we all knew would be a hazardous and dangerous mission , from which at least some of them would not return .
10 The routines suggested are guidelines : some of them may not apply to you in your current work .
11 But it 's the same as England , really ; some of them can handle me and some of them ca n't .
12 No one in the room is excluded , as they might be from a maths activity that some of them ca n't do ; or from a games session , where physical prowess is such an important factor .
13 but erm , and yet there 's some of them ca n't live without them .
14 Some of them ca n't be broken though .
15 Obviously some of them will not be able to seek er alternative employment .
16 Some of them could not believe that they had found themselves in a church , and were only stopping off en route to a nearby pub .
17 Some of them could n't afford it .
18 Some of them could n't afford i You had I think you had to put something in .
19 If you let somebody else get stuff on your book , and some of them could n't pay it , you know , you 've no means of paying it .
20 All day and then he got all to do at lunch time yeah they kept it up all the day , they had separate play time , they had had to eat their lunch in the class room all they were allowed was a piece of fruit , a bread and water and they all had to have , you know , they had a bread roll supplied by the school an a an apple I think And Jan made them write out their names and some of them could n't write their name !
21 But as I say some of it may not er no , be relevant to yourself .
22 Well a cos then you can pick them up altogether if , are you with me , if you 're doing the rounds for your friends cos some of them 'll be on there and some 'll be Pick them up from the front , it 's just that some of the stuff will be at the front and some of it wo n't .
23 Erm as far as the C C Q itself was concerned you , you gave an awful lot of information about the sort of things you were gon na look for when Martin said about , you know , what 's in it and it 's , it 's pretty big and what have you you mentioned a lot of subjects or a lot of technical jargon which may or may not have meant anything to the client rather than just say well , you know , some of it wo n't , may well not apply to you .
24 As the passing of the Bill is being given such high priority , will the Leader of the House guarantee that all the evidence will be put before the Committee — that some of it will not be suppressed , as the Secretary of State suppressed evidence put forward by colleges of further education ?
25 Some of it could n't wait . ’
26 Before I go on , some of you may not have the foggiest what a fanzine is .
27 Some of you may not know that you have recently given me two lovely present , the first , for my birthday , being a beautiful flower arrangement which gave me great pleasure , particularly as I live in the centre of London and my nearest ‘ garden ’ is Regent 's Park !
28 some of you may not know the history of this decision .
29 Er some of you wo n't understand that .
30 So do n't , you get most of your marks for the first erm sort of twenty minutes writing usually unless your r I mean some of you might not get any marks at but I mean most of you will yeah you get most of your marks on the first twenty minutes .
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