Example sentences of "see as [art] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 However , whatever balance between sectors one would like to see as the basis for community care policy , the private sector is here to stay and likely to expand .
2 Just to finish up colleagues this should not be seen as a willingness for local authority workers to give up their jobs , but it needs to be sorted so that our brothers and sisters who are forced into redundancy receive fair recompense for their loss .
3 But their kids were n't expected to work for their love , it was n't seen as a return for services rendered .
4 Not only had Rahner been attacked by Ottaviani a little while before , but he had long suffered at the hands of the Holy Office and his public rehabilitation could be seen as a snub for Ottaviani .
5 I think that is a big difficulty that , the diversity of family types simply has n't been recognised and , anything that 's seen as a benefit for one parent families is a political no no !
6 Yet a significant event occurs in 1730 when a labouring class poet moves toward the centre of contemporary culture , eventually to be seen as a candidate for the laureateship .
7 But I do n't want to be seen as a candidate for a strait-jacket , either .
8 then you know why should it be seen as a disincentive for them to that and services that had n't been bothered to do that be given money .
9 This can be seen as a system for design in which the mapping of function on to the geometric domains is raised to the next level in which the requirement to manage and control the process is mapped on to the sub-processes or departments .
10 Land reform as outlined in the Agrarian Reform Bill of nineteen fifty was to provide a vital step forward for China through the preservation of the rich peasant economy in order to pave the way for industrialization which was seen as a prerequisite for collectivization .
11 Lastly , in the project for a prison institution that was then developing , punishment was seen as a technique for the coercion of individuals ; it operated methods of training the body — not signs — by the traces it leaves , in the form of habits , in behaviour ; and it presupposed the setting up of a specific power for the administration of the penalty ( ibid. , p. 130–1 ) .
12 Against this backdrop , the People 's Bank — which started in 1989 and now has branches in many of Nigeria 's 21 states — is seen as a godsend for poor Nigerians .
13 Quantity , essentially , is not seen as a compensation for weakness in technology .
14 The mergers agreement , and progress on a range of other single market issues such as rules for public procurement , the harmonisation for testing and market veterinary medicines and the labelling of irradiated food , were seen as a triumph for the French presidency of the EC Council of Ministers which has ensured that the legislative timetable for the 1992 single market remains on course .
15 The crisis could be seen as a triumph for President Kennedy .
16 His appointment was seen as a triumph for the country 's industrial lobby and evidence of the continuing influence of the defence sector .
17 Indeed , when Tolkien arrived , he found that the Old English being dished up to the likes of Betjeman was in a grossly truncated form , and the poetry was mainly seen as a quarry for ‘ gobbets ’ — that is , short passages of a very few lines , used for the purposes of testing the candidates ' knowledge of sound-changes .
18 I am not referring to the conservative perspective which condemns sexual deviance per se , but to another viewpoint , one which might actually endorse deviance in principle , at least if it were seen as a quest for authentic selfhood of the kind explored in Chapter 3 .
19 although on one level Balzac 's story is ‘ about ’ castration ( one of the characters is a castrato singer ) , in Barthes 's reading the theme of castration is seen as a pretext for a kind of reflexive anxiety on the part of the text itself concerning the very possibility of representation .
20 An agreement in May to resume these talks was seen as a setback for the Army , which had arrested Brunswijk and 10 Jungle Commando guerrillas , killing two of Brunswijk 's bodyguards , on March 26 while he was attending peace talks with the government in Paramaribo .
21 Vice-President Virgilio Godoy stated that the murder , which was seen as a setback for the attempt of President Violeta Barrios de Chamorro to promote national reconciliation , should not go unpunished and would have to be solved " even if this has to be done outside government institutions " .
22 Hold it in Stockholm , New York , or Lyon and it 's seen as a freebie for ‘ lucky old you ’ .
23 The evidence would suggest that devolution can be seen as a chore for the head or as an opportunity for the school .
24 Today infertility is seen as a problem for the couple and andrology has joined gynaecology as a discipline in scientific medicine .
25 But the the weaknesses is that er he because he 's a P L C then he 's got to erm kowtow to the system to the er the city and therefore erm that is always going to be seen as a problem for him as am individual .
26 Taxes paid out of profits will be seen as a cost for the particular firm , and will not be included in net profit .
27 The ‘ intellect ’ is seen as a function for the direct apprehension of images — to illumine the products of sensory and mental activity , to distinguish , and this is aligned to the thought processes which offer seemingly fragmented views of reality , being centred on objectivity .
28 Grammar , then , can be seen as a resource for the adaptation of lexis .
29 Since 1983 numbers at the Beacon continued to fall as it was increasingly seen as a resource for children with severe and multiple disabilities .
30 The organization had long been seen as a forum for developing countries to press their interests and often for confrontation between developing and developed countries .
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