Example sentences of "see him [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One , an older school , has seen him as a noble if embattled statesman .
2 Leslie had an aunt in Durban , but by great misfortune disembarkation was on this occasion not allowed , and he did not meet the relative who had last seen him as a little boy in Scotland .
3 He could only assume that , being unaware of his true status as a DIA agent , the DEA and its oversight agency , the FBI , had seen him as a soft target , and framed the passport violation charge as a means of silencing an awkward witness without realizing who he was or the damage they were doing .
4 It was when I had n't seen him for a long time and I was all wound up .
5 His crooked smile was very much in evidence and Matey could have told her that since her arrival Dr Neil had been happier than she had seen him for a long time — there had been fewer backslidings towards the ‘ nasty whisky ’ since McAllister had appeared in his life to provide him with such rich amusement .
6 The big fella is more keyed up than I 've seen him for a long time and he is channelling all his energies into one final world cup fling .
7 He claimed he got started after being spotted in a bar by someone who mistakenly thought they had seen him in a male model magazine .
8 I 've seen him in a proper leather jacket .
9 She was still searching for the right words to describe how she felt when he suddenly got up and went to meet more guests , and she did n't see him for a long time .
10 I ca n't somehow see him in a red riding coat being winched aboard a dappled stallion .
11 I said I did n't go out with married men and did n't see him in a romantic way . ’
12 During his time as Party chairman , many constituency officers had been to see him on a similar errand .
13 It suddenly crossed my mind that perhaps he thought I had come to see him on a professional level , that I was in need of spiritual help or whatever .
14 He had the faculty of meeting everyone on the level , and Father had a story of seeing him at a political meeting , which he was probably chairing , walking arm in arm with the Grand Old Man himself , both talking .
15 At the first performance Vivienne was terrified by Sweeney , seeing him as a homicidal madman .
16 Encouraged by friends who saw him as a Nonconformist Lord Hugh Cecil ( later Baron Quickswood , q.v . ) ,
17 To the distress of his family he rejected the Unitarian name in later life but not the ministerial title , though others , as he admits , ‘ only saw him as a Unitarian minister ’ .
18 ‘ I could n't believe he drugged me because I saw him as a caring person , he had got me into his confidence .
19 Most observers , therefore , saw him as a tough and humourless man whose intransigent attitude had led to the quarrels with his friends ; Keats dubbed him ‘ the Egotistical Sublime ’ .
20 But Coleridge , who knew him well , saw him as a happy man , because he had one aim in life :
21 The Pauline Annalist reported a rumour that Arundel confessed to having plotted the death of the queen , but it is more likely that Mortimer saw him as a territorial rival in the Marches of Wales , where he had held the lordship of Chirk since the confiscations after Boroughbridge .
22 She liked his quiet manner , his bookish looks , his thin hands emerging from the voluminous sleeves of jerseys knitted for him by his mother who plainly , in her mind 's eye , saw him as a strapping youth of six foot two .
23 I really saw him as a wicked murderer .
24 But that was it : she never saw him as a likely husband or lover .
25 Usually Sara saw him as a bronzed , athletic man with a steady gaze , manly features and narrow hips .
26 My constituents saw him as a responsible Government officer who came to the House to say that the Government washed their hands of the matter and would leave it alone .
27 This time they saw him as a public enemy .
28 Suddenly she saw him in a new guise .
29 I first saw him in a supporting role at the Croydon Rep in 1936 , where another young actor , seven years his junior , by the name of William Devlin , who dared to tackle King Lear at about the same time .
30 Yes , I could see by the way she grumbled about Wilson that she loved him and , although he was over eighty at the time , still saw him in a romantic light .
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