Example sentences of "see the [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You are now able to see the problem from a higher perspective , knowing that you have created it for a reason .
2 The appointment of a slave to the office of Grand Vezir in 857/1453 , however , set the seal on the tendency to man the highest offices of the central administration , the vezirliks , with slaves ; and though it was by no means unheard of for a member of the ulema thereafter to hold a vezirlik , one begins to see the development of a separate hierarchy more or less confined to members of the ulema , the highest offices in which , known as were an end in themselves and not mere stepping-stones to high office in other areas such as the central administration .
3 I want to see the development of a European central bank emerging from the European monetary institute , in stage two , beyond 1996 .
4 ‘ Yes , and you should be able to see the bottom of the rear tyres of the car in front to be able to manoeuvre round it if need be .
5 One deaf electrician from Gillingham , Kent , a Thomas Pearce , was shot dead by a sentry in Southport , Lancashire , to which place he had been sent to do a job : he had failed to see the sentry in the dark and the sentry shot him after challenging him three times .
6 Michael Chapman , executive producer of the ITV hit series , said : ‘ I 'm sad to see the departure of the character DS Roach .
7 Stereotyping can be dangerous when it allows us to distance ourselves from others , and to fail to see the individual through the distorting lens of our own prejudice .
8 Over the past few decades , in particular , in structuralist anthropology , psychoanalysis , and Marxist theory , there has been a major theoretical effort to challenge the naturalness of the ‘ unitary subject ’ in social theory , to see the individual as a product of social forces , an ‘ ensemble of social relations ’ , rather than as a simple natural unity .
9 The users may not have been involved to the extent of being able to see the repercussions of the system design they had ‘ agreed ’ with the analyst .
10 Anyway , Scano 's boy must have been going to see the gamekeeper at the villa . ’
11 SPENDING last weekend at the National Federation of Music Societies ' conference , it was heartening to see the determination of the amateur promoters to match the skills of the professionals .
12 As the majority of the latter are either Moslem , Sikh or Hindu , it is understandable that the Church has encountered severe problems in trying to communicate her message , either with a view to attracting them into her fellowship or to see the significance of the gospel of Jesus Christ within their own cultural context .
13 A chance to see the journey of a letter from the point of posting to delivery at the main sorting office for the Northampton area .
14 He declared that it provides time for the family to gather or the body to be transported home and it offers an opportunity for them to see the person in a state of peaceful repose .
15 Clearly there must be a re-creation of many aspects of the court of Napoleon I , but it would be a great mistake to see the court of the Second Empire as a simple pastiche — just as it is a great mistake to see in Napoleon III nothing but a simulacrum of his uncle .
16 He struck his hands in his belt pulling back hi coat , allowing them all to see the butt of a revolver protruding from the inner pocket of his coat .
17 She shook her head and turned to see the policeman by the bed grimacing at her .
18 It is interesting to see the gravestones of the numerous people who came here for a cure for consumptive diseases and remained for ever .
19 I like to see the shape of the face and neck and straightforward lines on a portrait .
20 Fewer than 27,000 were at Old Trafford on Tuesday night to see the sequel to a thrilling first leg of a Littlewoods Cup-tie against Second Division Portsmouth .
21 She asked to see the daughter of the house .
22 We do not have to go far to see the houses of the men of 1880 ; many of us are still living in them .
23 Or type : to see the structure of a different drive .
24 Exposure of these sections to dyes that are selectively taken up by either the bodies of neurons or by their axons enables us to see the structure of the lesion site .
25 Neither this , nor the matter of Ishmaelite and Midianite merchants , makes it necessary to see the story as a combination of two different traditions .
26 ‘ You just do n't want me to carry on my business , do you ? ’ she hit back , angered at his refusal and refusing to see the rest as a compliment .
27 Now we in the Harrogate Civic Society would like to see the rest of the district allocation reduced at least to fifty hectares which has something to do with the forecast requirement on the grounds of past take-up , and I believe it is nearer the original figure for the rest of the district floated by the county in the initial consultations before amendment was made to the allocation between Greater York and the rest of the district .
28 If I was curious it was only to see the rest of the house .
29 ‘ I am sure you wish to see the rest of the building , ’ the guide said sternly , and marched off .
30 I went across the course to the stands side to see the horses in the paddock , and then I went up to the very comfy Tribune des Dames , for which the French Racing Authorities so generously send me a badge each year .
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