Example sentences of "see in [art] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Such arrangements have to be seen in a wider context .
2 So Heineken 's recent big-money renewal of their sponsorship of the Heineken National League has to be seen in a wider context than the clubs who belong to the league .
3 Human rights issues , as illustrated by AIDS , have to be seen in a wider context and , conversely , one can not contemplate the totality of public health without the human rights component .
4 There is , first , the relationship between rich and poor nations , which may be conceived in terms of neo-imperialism and dependency ( but in that case imperialism has to be seen in a wider perspective than that which treats it exclusively as a stage in the development of capitalism , important though this latter process is ) , or in terms of the current preoccupation with a ‘ North-South dialogue ’ , which is today more a confrontation than a dialogue .
5 The immense amount of detailed experimental and theoretical work done on the equations often allows these new developments to be seen in a fuller context than is possible with newer and less well understood systems .
6 This practice can , however , be seen in a later context in the life of St Samson of Dol , the earliest version of which is a copy dating to c .
7 This increase , however , needs to be seen in a longer time-scale .
8 There is a deep sense of untimeliness about the death of a child and whereas , as we have seen in an earlier chapter , it is possible to look on some deaths as timely and part of the natural rhythm of life , when a child is involved this does not seem to be so .
9 Food : As we have seen in an earlier chapter , our physical condition has a great influence on our minds and our emotions — the reverse also being true .
10 As we have seen in an earlier chapter , by gentleman or noble person Spenser is thinking of a distinctive class of person , but his desire to fashion gentlemen nevertheless might be seen as directed at individual development .
11 Developments across the country are uneven , but the shape of things to come can be seen in the greater provision of minor surgery by general practitioners , the increase in health promotion work in general practice , the employment of staff such as physiotherapists and dietitians to work alongside general practitioners , the establishment of shared care arrangements for treating conditions such as diabetes and asthma , and the introduction of ‘ treat and teach ’ schemes , in which specialists carry out some of their consultations in general practitioners ' surgeries and develop the skills of general practitioners in the process .
12 It was felt that VD was naturally confined to the unwashed , unkempt , and morally barren , and , when occasionally seen in the better class of person , resulted from some supreme temptation that had been put before them , for indulgence in whose pleasures they could hardly be blamed .
13 The confluence of the San Juan and Colorado rivers can be seen in the lower centre-left of the image .
14 The ruins of old Seagoe church are to be seen in the lower graveyard .
15 The additional challenge of achieving full educational as well as social integration for children now in special schools needs to be seen in the wider context of a major reappraisal of what ordinary schools have to offer the pupils already in them .
16 The primary school curriculum was to go beyond the basics of English and mathematics , which in any case should be seen in the wider context of other subjects .
17 In our view , the impact of out-of-town shopping on the viability and vitality of town centres must be seen in the wider context of the growing imbalance between private and public modes of transport .
18 This is not to say that the contributions which social scientists may make to solving particular technical problems , or enlarging the sphere of rational decision making , should be dismissed altogether ; only that they have to be seen in the wider context of political contestation and choice .
19 It could have been provided as an additional barrier to odour , but this could only have been achieved by the use of waxed paper — as seen in the Lethieullier vault at Little Ilford , Essex — between the top of the sides of the coffin and the lid .
20 As has already been seen in the earlier chapters , the professions most often specified are surveyors , accountants , actuaries and engineers .
21 A general tendency towards making artillery lighter and more mobile can also be seen in the later decades of the century .
22 The whole business therefore needs to be seen in the broader framework of how you envisage your future .
23 As we shall see in a later section a woman aged 65 can expect to live for almost another 20 years .
24 As we shall see in a later section , these views are consistent with the current thinking of several British theorists on soccer spectator violence .
25 As we shall see in a later chapter , the issues raised by Papez have yet to be resolved .
26 As we shall see in a later chapter , much of the same reasoning was to recur towards the end of the 1980s in the search for ways of implementing punishment in the community .
27 In order to do so we must go back to the very beginning of society , explain the original trauma and then consider what consequences it has had for modern times ; for , as we shall see in a later chapter , an inability to accept the truth about ourselves and our societies is probably the most dangerous threat to the successful solution of our present cultural crisis and is certainly the chief obstacle to progress in the sciences of man .
28 As we shall see in the later sections of this chapter , contemporary theories of comprehension give great weight to the way in which information is integrated between sentences .
29 As we saw in the earlier section on control theory , there has been a new interest in deterrence and prevention as well , attempting to improve on the original , crude formulations of Beccaria .
30 This is not very far from the belief that pleasure and happiness amount to the same thing — a belief with deep flaws , as we saw in an earlier chapter .
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