Example sentences of "see [art] [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , the previous reference to " all flesh " in v. 5 as being about to see the glory of Yahweh could have created an expectation that the image in v. 6 will be positive rather than negative .
2 Being subjected to it , Offred is in a very good position — literally — to see the hypocrisy of tyranny from underneath .
3 If the trade unions want to exercise that right , they will have to get the legal title to them whether by purchase or by what has been called euphemistically , and in criticism of Robert Owen 's failure to see the significance of ownership , ‘ revolutionising practice ’ .
4 Feminist psychologists tend to see the significance of gender differences much as conventional psychologists do .
5 We are now in a position to see the significance of government expenditure and taxation flows in the determination of national income levels .
6 It is entirely right , therefore , that we are beginning to see the signs of peer assessment being employed as part of the formal assessment procedure in some institutions of higher education .
7 The refusal to see the signs of malnutrition and dehydration , or the determination to see them as something other than what they are , as a nervous condition to be treated with painkillers , tranquillizers , tonics and elixirs , represents the worst instance of collective bad faith in Bom Jesus de Mata .
8 Visitors were able to see the versatility of design and product range by a display which portrayed the four themes of shipping , hotel and leisure , pubs and commercial interiors .
9 That is why it disgusts me to see the nobility of grief caricatured in this way .
10 This excursion takes you to Delft to see how the famous blue pottery is made and then continues to The Hague to see the Houses of Parliament , the Peace Palace and other notable sites .
11 This plan was an impossibility from the outset , and after several months of confused meetings of everyone concerned at County Hall , I went with two or three others to see the Secretary of State to recommend strongly that one single statutory authority should be appointed to deal with the area .
12 The chamber of commerce , the local authority , the trade unions and the Members of Parliament came down to London to see the Secretary of State .
13 I am pleased to see the Secretary of State for Social Security in his place , because he has said that the decision in January 1991 to stop such payments was taken because ’ It has never been the intention , nor is it sensible , that in the generality of cases Housing Benefit should be available as an alternative to income support ’ .
14 No individual budgets have been allocated to Departments , but I thought it might be int-eresting to see the spread of demand .
15 Importantly , by enabling us to see the lack of stability within textual play , deconstruction has helped bring attention to the exterior forces which attempt to control such play .
16 Many want to see the return of petrol pump attendants because of the difficulties with self-self service .
17 Second , her refusal of the counterposition of text and reality and determination to see the work of art as a ‘ sensory thing ’ , was simultaneously an insistence that this already overloaded signifier was in fact not very different from a referent .
18 Tacoma Art Museum provided an opportunity to see the work of Faith Ringold : a survey of her work over 25 years and an opportunity to hear such an important artist speak .
19 And nowt better than the theatre to see the variety of behaviour
20 It is worth noting here the scale of brushmarks used to create depth , and I try to see the mass of form as well as its parts .
21 The duty of the police when they arrest without warrant is , no doubt , to be quick to see the possibility of crime , but equally they ought to be anxious to avoid mistaking the innocent for the guilty …
22 She pretended not to see the look of dismay on Martin 's face and continued with her explanation .
23 This liberal model was articulated by one of the basic education tutors in the following way : ‘ To see the look of joy on someone 's face when they pass , when they 've never passed anything else in their lives , is wonderful …
24 We have been lucky enough to see the Minister of State ; he has been very kind and we have had really good discussions with him .
25 ON reporting to Chantilly on the morning of February 25th , Pétain and Serrigny found that ‘ the panic was at its peak ’ The fall of Verdun was expected momentarily , ‘ and everybody was saying that General Herr should be shot ’ Somehow it leaked out that Pétain had come from Paris , not Noailles , and the word was quickly passed round by those veterans of intrigue that he had first been to see the Minister of War , Galliéni , the implacable foe of G.Q.G. Doubtless the rumour helped augment the alarm in the air .
26 Ianthe was disconcerted , even a little shocked , to see the bottles of milk still standing outside the door of her uncle 's Mayfair rectory when she arrived there to luncheon on Quinquagesima Sunday .
27 Fitzgerald and Sim seem to see the existence of secrecy as a ‘ crisis ’ in itself .
28 The leadership wants to see the proportion of union voting strength at party conferences reduced from the current 70 per cent — down for the first time this year from the traditional 90 per cent — to an eventual 50 per cent .
29 Because Bem and other gender schema theorists assume that rationality and cognitive unity characterize psychological subjects , they tend to see the break-up of gender schemata as hindered by dominant social relations , but still as fairly straightforward in itself .
30 It is only after the Glorious Revolution — with the emergence of regular sessions of Parliament , when much of the ordinary business of government ( as opposed to just crisis situations ) came to be conducted along party lines , when Parliamentary divisions over a range of issues allow us to see the consistency of party allegiance amongst MPs , and when the parties came to develop fairly sophisticated organisational structures for the pursuit of their political goals — that it is possible to talk of a two-party system .
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