Example sentences of "see [prep] [adj] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 firstly , the interpretation of normalisation which seems to us to be in line with the sense of direction of the self-advocacy movement recognising that people with learning difficulties need to be seen as autonomous individuals with their own rights of self-determination ;
2 Similarly , approaches which seem to imply a pre-knowledge of the aims and goals of other people 's lives , and lack the willingness to retain an open mind , to live with uncertainties , possibilities and transitions — these too must be seen as professional approaches with little to recommend them .
3 At first sight this may be seen as careless farming with so much seed being wasted .
4 These were first seen in full-frame images with time resolution from minutes to an hour ( National Astronomical Observatory of Japan ) .
5 It will also have to be seen in close relationship with other aspects of rural society and the economy , as well as with the overall social and economic structures at national and European levels .
6 But are n't , are n't changes are n't these changes er in Russia and in China forced upon them to a degree by circumstances , by the fact that the outside world immediately withdraws and opposes a rising of the people as a whole against the established government er I mean we 've seen in recent times with Iran and so on have n't we ?
7 The dangers of such an approach have been seen in comparable work with children and families .
8 Close friendships with girls a few years older or younger than oneself were actively discouraged , and it seemed to us that to be seen in earnest conversation with a girl who belonged neither to one 's own year or one 's own house was tantamount to admitting that one was engaged in a lesbian liaison .
9 His house was full of things she had only ever seen in old films with Rock Hudson and Doris Day : a vacuum cleaner , which did the work of a suckerdrone ; a gramophone , which played unwieldy round black musidiscs with added scratch and hiss as part of the music ; an electric kettle that took ages , maybe two minutes , to heat up enough water for a cup of recaff , and did n't do anything about the impurities and pollutants .
10 This rapid rise in fundal pH is due to the buffering effect of the food , largely because of the protein present , and this has been seen in previous experiments with different test meals .
11 now reverting again please if you would to the one we first looked at which is er , see the costs set out on page thirty one there and we can see under personal costs with the star that refers please note that these charges are an average and depend on personal electricity consumption and are subject to verification and local authority assessment , er did you understand the difference between the management charge and the service charge ?
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