Example sentences of "see [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As to direct selling , she believed that seeing off the threat of publishers was even easier : ‘ No publisher can supply all the books a school needs . ’
2 But seeing off Michael Meacher proved substantially easier than seeing off the Chancellor of the Exchequer .
3 After the interval the all-female Mix-ups team moved into top gear seeing off the challenges of Martin 's Babes and Coshquin Exiles .
4 Or , ‘ The Doctor wants I to see about the moss in the tennis court .
5 I had to see as the wagons in the coals as it shifting , not falling off you see .
6 However , whatever balance between sectors one would like to see as the basis for community care policy , the private sector is here to stay and likely to expand .
7 This rationality it came to see as the basis of a universal culture ; the justification for its claim to define universal values , to define its values as universal .
8 It was enough to see off the challenge of unlucky Wimbledon in this replay at Selhurst Park .
9 Despite carding his worst round of the championship , a two over par 74 , he held his nerve to see off the challenge of defending champion Eamonn Darcy over the testing K Club course .
10 It is the vision of seeing through the inheritance of family emotions , the release of burdens imposed by the past , the healing of memories long since buried in one 's psyche .
11 First , he comments on the king 's astuteness in seeing through the arguments of the heretics , though he implies that for some while Clovis had been persuaded by them .
12 As Pathfinders they had the extra advantage of being able to use all the latest radar equipment to enable them to see through the layers of cloud , and when they were talking to Met Officers we would hear mysterious references to ‘ Gee ’ and ‘ H2S ’ .
13 It took application and imagination to see the point of Eastern Europe , to see through the glacier to the contours underneath .
14 But , in an uncanny moment of premonition , I am able to see through the mists of time to Judgement Day .
15 He tittered nervously as he tried to see through the glare of the flames .
16 In any intimacy between a stronger and a weaker personality the weaker is inclined to yield even when he has the means to prevail , from a compulsion to see through the eyes of the stronger .
17 The most I 'd allowed myself to see of the inside of that room during his three months at Sleet was himself half naked ruled into a margin of light .
18 In essence , then , there is far less to see of the history of industrial landscapes than there was even a few years ago .
19 There is little to see of the Potteries at Fenton other than relatively modern factories , but a couple of bottle ovens , now rather rare ( see Longton ) survive near King Street .
20 The twins also began to see towards the end of the book that Piggy was very clever and started to show him some respect .
21 Second , we have seen off the threat of a world trade war which would have destroyed any hope of economic recovery .
22 A huge sea-monster , variously described as a serpent or squid , said to have been seen off the coast of Norway and on the North American coast .
23 More recently the largest concentrations noted there were about 200 on 4 December 1967 , and 30 December 1968 , and concentrations of up to 150 have been seen off the coast between Brighton and Rottingdean .
24 A relative tachycardia was seen during the procedure in many patients , and seemed to be a normal physiological response to the gastroscopy .
25 Yet the facade of high fashion was highly developed by the time of his death ; there were over three miles of carriage road along the cliff top and a promenade at the foot for the elegant and aspiring to see and be seen during the height of Brighton 's mild winter and spring seasons .
26 Two men in army clothes — possibly my two — could be seen about the camp from time to time , and Balfour thought that there might also be a third .
27 Two more ghosts , two women — also in black — are said to have been seen about the village in days gone by .
28 Um , he says , and goes on to explain that in Norway a small , useless knife sometimes seen about the person of hunters and campers who have little idea is known as a ‘ mouse castrator ’ .
29 between support staff ( such as expecting SEN staff to focus on methods of achieving ‘ educational results ’ without also attending to the interactional emotional and behavioural context of learning failure , seen as the remit of pastoral care , counselling and the psychological services )
30 In many ways , the hygienists can be seen as the heirs of the Evangelicals ; here again , this trend of social attitudes towards infant care must be set in its broader context .
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