Example sentences of "see [prep] a way [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The move is seen as a way of helping to get the Argentinian privatisation programme off the ground and to make some inroads into the country 's foreign debt , which currently totals some $60billion .
2 This is clearly seen as a way of encouraging parental involvement in the reintegration of the pupil into school life .
3 These individuals can then form the basis of a directorate with a positive desire and will to co-ordinate since it will clearly be seen as a way of enhancing their effectiveness .
4 Kreitman and Chowdhury ( 1973b ) found that the most common reason given for not getting in touch with a helping agency was that the overdose was seen as a way of relieving strain or going to sleep .
5 After 1870 education for the Poles was seen as a way of bringing them within the German order , of lightening their Slav darkness by opening up to them the world of ‘ civilisation ’ .
6 Field trials have for many years been concerned with finding a clone less susceptible to frost and this was initially seen as a way of upgrading some of the frost-prone vineyards of the Marne Valley which are traditionally planted with the hardier Pinot Meunier .
7 Bingeing can be seen as a way of ‘ stuffing away ’ feelings and then getting rid of them by vomiting .
8 This would definitely rule out the provision of tea or coffee , which would be seen as a way of putting the taxpayer at ease — which is the last thing the inspector would wish to achieve .
9 This intervention was seen as a way of minimizing the harmful and the more undesirable side-effects of commercially funded media .
10 It was also seen as a way of raising standards of attainment : the specification of targets and the systematic assessment of pupils ' work on a national basis were thought to constitute a challenge to schools and teachers to raise their expectations , and to channel their efforts to bring about enhanced standards in pupils in the key areas represented by the national curriculum .
11 The software comp/decomp is then seen as a way of pushing the boat out for future Intel processors that will have video handling capabilities built into the main CPU itself .
12 Such guardianship was seen as a way of protecting vulnerable people from exploitation , ill treatment , or neglect .
13 Monetary union has long been seen as a way of bringing about greater economic and political unity within the Community .
14 This very important fact has not been accepted and community care is still seen as a way of getting ‘ care on the cheap ’ .
15 These dichotomies can be seen as a way of legitimizing both male superiority and the abuse of science .
16 It also intends to set up city technical colleges funded by industry in an effort to increase parental choice , and this is seen as a way of reducing the power of the LEAs .
17 Indeed , their proposals to give budget control to headteachers is explicitly seen as a way of making a direct link to schools not mediated by LEAs .
18 Some kind of assessment of the competence of teachers was seen as a way of weeding out those who were incompetent : a reaction to severe cuts in education ( along with the effects of falling rolls ) , and the need to thin out the teaching force .
19 In this context there seems to have been some unexplained change of thinking on the part of the Inspectorate because the eight areas of experience ( in Curriculum 11–16 ) were seen as a way of considering a common curriculum , presumably satisfying all aspects of the curriculum including ‘ education and society ’ and ‘ working life ’ .
20 As these resources affect the ‘ purchasing power ’ of the commissioning authorities the use of the formula is seen as a way of creating a level playing field for purchasers .
21 If , however , divisionalization is seen as a way of delegating part , but only part , of the organization 's marketing effort , then a definite marketing role at corporate level will be established .
22 International collaboration in R&D is seen as a way of preventing costly duplication of work and diseconomies of scale .
23 This new form of settlement ( incorporating the best of town and country ) was seen as a way of relieving congestion in the major cities and of providing a better environment for ordinary people .
24 The two-way division agreed at Aachen in March 842 is best seen as a way of putting pressure on Lothar , convincing him that this time he had no alternative to opening negotiations in earnest .
25 Charging drivers to use certain roads is also seen as a way of increasing government revenue .
26 She said that for mothers struggling to bring up children , smoking was seen as a way of surviving .
27 There was also then great concern that the appointment of erm er of independent members apparently was seen as a way of my Right Honourable Friend or anyone who then er held the office of er Ho Home Secretary would actually put in his own .
28 With Courtaulds already powerful in the United States , the Far East , France and Australia , the ICI deal was seen as a way of strengthening the position in Europe , and in particular in Germany .
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