Example sentences of "see [pers pn] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Rather than market and hierarchy being opposed to types , as in the Williamsonian formulation , it may be more appropriate to see them as alternative solutions to the problem of how to arrange functional alignment within the enterprise .
2 Western historians tend to see them as alienated intellectuals motivated not by the interests of any major section of society but by a host of heterogeneous ideas , romantic and modernizing , dictatorial and democratic .
3 Society tends to ignore the inherent sexuality of younger teenagers , especially girls , preferring to see them as innocent children , so consequently when girls do fall pregnant , they have few rights or benefits as mothers .
4 Although it would be a mistake to see them as watertight compartments , or to pretend that issues raised in the first were not also relevant to the third , this division is helpful in indicating broad trends and key differences , which will be explored in the sections which follow .
5 She arrives , convincingly , at a much more positive — for the women in question — interpretation ; but also one which allows the writings and lives of these women to have a depth and dimension for us which was simply not available in many cases while we insisted on trying to see them as sexual victims of appalling restrictions of personal freedom : to see them as though they were us .
6 The solution requires a reassessment of the nature of Toryism at this time ; rather than seeing the Tories as royal absolutists , it is better to see them as conservative legal-constitutionalists , deeply committed to the rule of law and the Anglican Church .
7 The Salvadorean government has done little to aid the displaced , choosing instead to see them as potential subversives who must be carefully watched .
8 If you seek to see them with loving eyes , you will experience their beauty and be aware of their good points while making allowances for whatever may be lacking .
9 ‘ Normally we do n't like people to see them at this stage .
10 Seven student teachers will be taking their examinations on 21st and 28th March — we wish them luck and hope to see them at next Q.T. Day .
11 Do n't be grumpy or touchy now — you 'll be glad to see them after 26.2 miles and you want them to be happy to see you too .
12 According to such a theory , if we , in English , call both our mother 's brother and our father 's brother by the same term — ‘ uncle ’ — it is because these two relatives are , to us , the same ‘ kind ’ of relative , and that probably the fact that we use the one word causes us to see them in that way .
13 ‘ Thank you — I 'd prefer to see them in full sunlight , ’ Lucy said hastily , in case Silas imagined she was anxious to experience a moonlight stroll with him .
14 But Forest manager Clough , already upset with his team 's disappointing start , yesterday declared : ‘ Both players have been to see me about new contracts but they 're not getting them .
15 My hon. Friend has been to see me about this matter with a group of colleagues .
16 As he was a very busy man , I was grateful that Eliot should have been prepared to see me without any notice at all .
17 Nobody came to see me for three days .
18 My father come to see me at one holiday and the Easter time he see something happen and they did n't like him and cos all my as cabin boy .
19 Only thirty people were allowed in to see me at one time .
20 Instead of inviting my patients to see me at 10-minute intervals — generally I offer them each 10 minutes of my time — I shall invite the lot to attend at 9 o'clock in the morning .
21 Oh you want to see me in four weeks ?
22 But er you want to see me in four weeks to see about that ?
23 I 've the head of the Board of Tourism coming to see me in five minutes . ’
24 I do n't want to see Sarah in that way , and I would n't want her to see me in that kind of light either . ’
25 At my weekend surgery three pensioners came to see me in considerable distress because of the difficulty that they faced in paying their water and electricity bills and other bills from private utilities following the large price increases .
26 ‘ And if you are too tired to write you must come to see me in any case , and then I shall know you are safe .
27 Several older NCT children have started school this year so we sha n't be seeing them at Open Houses now …
28 In summary , his presentation allows readers to suppose that the Pioneers were wrong in establishing , or attempting to establish , the producers ' societies as bodies separate from the consumers ' societies , and wrong even in seeing them as genuine co-operatives .
29 Bankers welcomed the appointments , seeing them as positive moves which would revitalize the QMA 's management of the economy .
30 Feminist psychology also finds it difficult to deal with apparent irrationalities in women 's subjectivity except by pathologizing the women , or seeing them as social victims .
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